LOGEMAN, Willem Martinus (1821-1894)
Son of Marten Logeman. He set up business in Haarlem in 1843. From
1841 until 1865 he was strongly involved with Teyler's Physical
Cabinet, mainly as maker and retailer, but also for repairs and maintenance.
Besides, he was research assistant to Professor Van Breda, and coauthor
of some of Van Breda's publications on physics. In the 1850s he
gained an international reputation with his strong magnets, produced
using the method of the Haarlem lawyer and amateur-physicist Pieter
Elias (the "large Logeman" of Faraday is still in the Royal Institution,
London). In 1857 Logeman associated with F.W. Funckler, who took
over the firm in 1860; at that time it employed six men. Logeman now
started to play a very prominent role in the institutions for secondary
education at Haarlem, and their development. Also, from the beginning
he was one of the editors of the monthly periodical Album der
Natuur, his editorship lasted from 1852 until 1891. Last but not least,
he was a founder of "Weten en Werken", a local society that aimed to
further the education of the working class. He was on the board from
the start (1856), was elected President in 1869, to stay in that position
until his death. De Clercq (1985b), 205-207; Turner (1985)> 229-231;
Snelders (1979); Van Breda (1979), 131-145; Dijkstra (1975).
MARIUS, Johan Christiaan Theodoor (1845-1929)
Marius was born in Arnhem, where he started dealing in physical,
chemical, medical, and pharmaceutical instruments in 1866. From
1874 onwards he had his firm in Rotterdam, the first three years in
partnership with H.A. van Rossem. In 1881 Utrecht became his definitive
base. Only in the early 1890s did Marius begin making instruments
in his own workshop, soon specializing in measuring devices
made of glass. In 1906 the firm became Fabriek en Magazijn van
Wetenschappelijke Instrumenten Ltd. v/h J.C.Th. Marius, with
Marius' son Hendrik Roelof as director. In the next decade the firm
supplied many new laboratories. Around 1915 it employed some 25
people. Mooij (1988), 135-‘V39.
MEEUWIG, Hendrik (1 8 4 8 -1 9 3 5 ^
Meeuwig, born in Haarlem, began as an instrument maker in 1880. He
was in charge of F.W. Funckler's workshop until Funckler's death in
1886. He then started his own workshop at Gedempte Oude Gracht
37. At this address he was active as a maker and retailer for twenty-five
years, gradually expanding his range of products. In 1909, at age sixty,
he moved house to Kruisstraat 19 and stopped advertizing, but he kept
active on a modest scale until c. 1920. His role as a local maker and
retailer was taken over by Gebrs. Verpoorten. Adresboek Haarlem,
Municipal Archives Haarlem; Museum records.
From 1883, this firm advertised in the Adresboek Amsterdam with models
of steam engines and electrical machines, magic lanterns, dissolving
views, telephones, phonographs, etc. In 1902 it set up an instrument
workshop. From 1910 onwards it provided physical instruments for
8 tlK 8 £M A F L £ ID £ * S
Electrische- en Luchtdrukschellen. /
Telefoonverbindingen en
fiaiuur- en Sriiei^undige
V e r b i l l i g e n .
inrichting voor Glaswerk.
Constructie en
Reparatie. / t^ \ ^ / BATTERIJEN.
^ / Thermometers,
/ Passerdoozen, Brillen,
Lorgnetten, Kijkers,
Loupen, Mikroskopen,
Irrigateurs, enz.
V e rv a a rd ig in g v a n t o e s t e l l e n
na a r o p g a a f en te ek en in g .
Vergulden. Verzilveren, Vernikkelen, Bronzen,
g j ^ - V E L E A TT E STEN T E R IN ZAG E. 'W Q
Adresboek Haarlem 1900