im B l
2. Case same as 1, same inscription; glass instrument length 310;
identical scale.
3. Substitute case; length of glass instrument 312; weighting bulb
of mercury; thermometer marked: Voor lichte Vochten 0.700-
1000; Celsius scale -40° to 100°.
4. Case and label as 1; instrument äs 1, length 305.
5. Signed: P. van Putten Jr. Haarlem.
Case as 1; label: No. 1500 f. 2.50 etui 50. Length of glass
instrument 315; black fluid in weighting bulb, plugged with
red wax; mercury thermometer inside. Scale 1,200 down to
1,400 marked: Aräometer von 1200-1400 Spec: Gerv.Temp:
15°C P. van Putten Jr. Haarlem.
6 . Case length 290, diameter 24, marked: No. 750 f. 2.00 Etui
40. Glass instrument length 278; weighting bulb with black
fluid, plugged. Scale 1000-2000: Voor Zwaare Vochten.
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398, 399/1, 399/5, 400/1, 390/1
400 HYDROMETERS (1126) 3/4 19th C.
1. Case marked: No. 1500 f. 3.50 Etui 50. Glass instrument
length 300; scale 0.700 to 1000, inscribed: Voor lichte Vochten.
Weighting bulb of mercury; internal mercury thermometer,
scale 90° to -40°[C].
2. Case marked: No. 1500 £ 3.50 Etui 50. Similar to 1, length
285. Scale 1000-2000, inscribed: Voor zwaare Vochten; thermometer
90° to -30° [C].