392 WATER DENSITY APPARATUS (191) 3/4 19th C.
Signed: J.F. v. Deene Amsterdam.
Diameter base 113, top 53; height 290
Conical glass vessel, over which fits a ground glass ring with glass
trough to form a gallery. The conical vessel has two holes with rubber
rings and L-shaped tubes with bulb of amber liquid. Paper scales, hand-
drawn, are attached to each tube; scale 1 unit = 1.5 cm, divided 3 to -1.
Spare tube with scale 2 to -0.5. One scale is signed.
393 HYDROMETER (979) 3/4 19th C.
Glass tube, length 210, lower portion flattened and containing lead
shot, held in place with white wax; above, paper scale with handwritten
inscription: Baume Tp. 15 C. In card case.
394 HYDROMETER (980) 3/4 19th C.
Glass tube, length 203, straight, lead shot held in place by red wax,
paper scale 1000-1300. Inscribed: Aräometer nach spec.Gewicht TP
15°C Warmbrunn, Quilitz & C°, Berlin.
395 SACCHAROMETERS: BAUMÉ f!l2 1 ) 3/4 19th C.
1. Tin case contains white-metal instrument in red cloth cover;
length 117 marked 0-40, and inscribed: Saccharomètre Baumé.
2. Shaped boxwood case (length 270) is marked underneath in
pencil: f. 4.75, and is stamped: ROUX. The instrument is of
brass, marked 0-40, and inscribed: Saccharomètre Baumé.
Antoine Baumé (1728-1804) was a French apothecary. Salleron
(1864), 73-74, figs 105,106.
396 HYDROMETER (1122) 3 /4 19th C.
Shaped boxwood case, with handwriting underneath: 1 5.50 [in pencil];
Aréomètre maille non vérifiée [in ink]. The metal float, silvered
(overall length 188, maximum diameter 28), has a scale 0 to 37 by 0.5.
397 BEER SACCHAROMETER (1123) 3 /4 19th C.
Glass with mercury weight, overall length 420, maximum diameter 22,
scale 0 down to 21. Inscribed: Kaisers Procenten-Saccharometer voor
ongegist bier Sc bier. Temp: 14° Ré. Lower scale marked: Réaumur No.
501. Marked red [required temperature] 14, zero per cent. Also in
Dutch: for every degree above 0 is ll|'yabove bij te voegen; for every
degree under 0 is Ho above af te trekken. Label on wooden tubular
case: No. 750 f. 2 .00.
398 LACTODENSIMETER (1124) 3/4 19th C.
Card case, length 275, diameter 38; marked on case in ink: No. 1000
£ 2.50 Lactodensimeter van Quévenne, met therm. On a label attached
to the instrument: f 2.50 Etui No. 25. On instrument: Lactodensimeter
naar Quevenne geroomde melk niet geroomde melk. Scale 20-40,
Celsius scale Glass instrument, length 260, diameter of barrel
30; with mercury thermometer inside. Weighting bulb with mercury.
399 HYDROMETERS « H 2 5 ) 3/4 19th C.
% f.’ Card tube, length 340, diameter 25; paper label reads: No. 700
F. 1.75 Etui 45. Glass instrument length 305, weighting bulb
of black fluid at end; paper scale-(slipped) 0,70 to 1000.
Marked on side: Voor lichte Vochten.