The Royal Society of London compiled a list of all scientific papers
(not books) by scientists from all parts of the world in Catalogue o f
Scientific Papers, published in four series from 1867 to 1925. The list
begins in 1800 and runs into the twentieth century.
An important resource is the trade catalogues published by firms,
but which are quickly destroyed when out of date. Being rare, the following
world-wide guide is valuable, and it is to be hoped that a revised
edition will be prepared. R.G.W Anderson, J. Burnett, and B. Gee,
Handlist o f Scientific Instrument-Makers' Trade Catalogues 1600-1914
(National Museums of Scotland Information Series No 8) (Edinburgh,
AlphaNDÉRY (1962). M.-F. Alphandéry, Dictionnaire des Inventeurs
français (Pâtis, 1962).
AMPÈRE (1821). A.M. Ampère, “Note sur un appareil à l'aide duquel on
peut vérifier toutes les propriétés des conducteurs de l'électricité
voltaïque, découvertes par M. Ampère”, Annales de Chimie et de
Physique, 18 (1821), 88-95, 4 plates.
Anderson (1993). R.G.W. Anderson, J.A. Bennett, and W.F. Ryan,
eds, Making Instruments Count: Essays on Historical Scientific Instruments
presented to Gerard L ’Estrange Turner (Aldershot: Variorum, 1993).
AYRTON & Perry (1878). W.E. Ayrton and J. Perry, "The Magic Mirror
of Japan, Part I", Proceedings o f the Royal Society, 28 (1878K127-148.
Banfield (1985). Edwin Banfield, Barometers: Aneroid and Barographs
(Trowbridge: Baros Books, 1985).
BARLOW (1823). Peter Barlow, An Essay on Magnetic Attractions and on
the Laws o f Terrestrial and Electro Magnetism, 2 n d edn (L o n d o n ÿ f823).
Baeral (1891). G. Barrai, Nouvelles découvertes en électricité: Histoire
d'un inventeur, 2nd edn (Paris, 1891).
BECKMANN (1888|l| Ernst Beckmann, "Über die Methode der
Molekulargewichtsbestimmung durch Gefrierpunktserniedrigung",
Zeitschrift fü r Physikalische Chemie, 2 (1888), 638-645.
Beetz (1876). W. Beetz, "Ueber anomale Ausgaben des Goldblatt-elek-
troskops", Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 158 (1876), 320-326.
BELL (1877a). A.G.Bell, "Researches in Telephony", Proceedings o f the
American Academy o f Arts and Sciences, 12 (1 8 7 * 1-10.
Bell (1877b). A.G. Bell, "Researches in Electric Telephony", Journal o f
the Society o f Telegraph Engineers and Electricians, 6 (1877), 385-416.
Bennett (1987). J.A. Bennett, The Divided Circle: A History o f
Instruments fo r Astronomy Navigation and Surveying (Oxford, 1987).
Bertin (1875), "Notice sur la Projection des expériences de polarisation",
Journal de Physique théoretique et appliquée, 4 (1875), 72-84, 111-120.
BiDWELL (1896). Shelford Bidwell, "On Subjective Colour Phenomena
attending sudden Changes of Illumination", Proceedings o f the Royal
Society, 60 (1896), 368-377, ,
BLONDEL (1989). Christine Blondel, F. Parot, A. Turner, and M.
Williams, eds, Studies in the History o f Scientific Instruments (London:
Rogers Turner Books for the Centre de Recherche en Histoire des
Sciences de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, 1989).
BLONDEL (1994). Christine Blondel and Matthias Dörries, editors,
Restaging Coulomb: Usages, controverses et réplications autour de la balance
de torsion (Biblioteca di Nuncius studi e testi XV), (Florence, 1994).
BLONDEL (1995). Christine Blondel, "Edouard Branly, dalla parte délia
scienza", in Guagnini & Pancaldi (1995), 303-354.
BOATO & MORO (1994). Giovanni Boato and Natalia Moro,
"Bancalari's Role in Faradays Discovery of Diamagnetism and the
Successive Progress in the Understanding of Magnetic Properties of
Matter", Annals o f Science, 51 (1994), 391-412.
BOLLE (1983). Bert Bolle, Barometers in Beeid (Lochern, 1983).
BOWERS (1975). Brian Bowers, Sir Charles Wheatstone FRS, 1802-1875
(London, 1975).
BRACHNER (1985). Alto Brachner, "German nineteenth-century scientific
instrument makers", in D e CLERCQ (1985a), 117-157,,
BRACHNER • (1986). Alto Brachner, Die Münchener Optik in der
Geschichte: Entstehung, Unternemungen, Sternwarten, Lokalitäten,
Ausbreitung (Munich, 1986).
B r a d b u ry &c T u r n e r (1965). S. Bradbury and G.L'E. Turner, "An
electron microscopical examination of Nobert's ten-band test-plate",
Journal o f the Royal Microscopical Society, 84 (1965), 65-75.
BREDA (1862). J.G.S. van Breda, "Remarks on Ampère's Experiment
on the Repulsion of a Rectilinear Electrical Current on itself",
Philosophical Magazine, 4th series, 23 (1862), 140-145.
BREDA (1867). C.J. Matthes, “Levensbericht van J.G.S. van Breda”
[obituary and list of works] , Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Akademie van
Wetenschappen (1867), 22-32.