31. A mounted glass bell for the sound vibrations. 489
32. An acoustic siren. 487
33. An apparatus after Savart for the propagation of vibrations.
495 (233)
34. An apparatus for explaining the barometer by Vidie. 463
35. A ditto for the metal barometer by Bourdon. 465
36. A ditto for the pressure of the air with caoutchouc bladder.
37. An aneroid barometer, lost
38. A metal barometer, lost
39. A glass reservoir with lead weight for the expansive force of
the air. 177
Case G:
1. Five large brass cylinders with spheres, used in an earlier
arrangement of the large electrical machine. 281
2. Two vacuum conductors after Henley.
3. A glass sphere for electricity in the vacuum. 308
4. Three flasks, six bell-jars, and a glass cylinder with partition
mounted for the electricity in the vacuum. 289, 293-297
5. Two double barometer apparatuses for the transit of electricity in
the Torricelli space [=vacuum]. 299
6. Two tubes with Canton's phosphorus. 331
7Î ' Four electrometers with repelling spheres, whereof a large
one with wheelwork and a ditto in case. 312-314, 318
8. Three general dischargers after Henley. 306, 307
9. An apparatus with movable metal plates to explain the
Leyden flask. 322 ?
10. A ditto in another arrangement.
11. Two Henley quadrant electrometers. 284, 315a
12. ' Three so-called electric doublers in various arrangements.
320, 321, 323
13. Three gold-leaf electroscopes of various arrangements. 715
14. An electrical machine with shellac disc. 280
15. A small electrophore.
16. A thermometer after Kinnersley. 324
1 / 9 A spoon on which to ignite alcohol. 232
18. An electrical ship. 327
19. A straight and two curved flicker tubes. 304
20. A cylindrical electrical machine after Nairne. 282
21. A box with balls of various metals. 334
22. Three large and four small tourmalines.
23. An apparatus after de la Rive for the theory of the
Northern Lights. 685
24. An apparatus for the illumination of rotating discs
by an electric spark. 721
Case H:
1. Six various brass and glass pieces of apparatus for experiments
of Van Marum on the theory of combustion. 186-
191, 193-196
2. A pyrometer following's Gravesande. 216
3. A ball with ring for the expansion [=of heat]. 215
A differential thermometer with two cubes. 209, 212
5. A hygrometer of Daniell. 206
6. The same after de Saussure. lost. Three the same after de
Luc. 202 ?, 205
fM The same with pointer. 204
8. A Davy safety lamp. 230
9. A piezometer after Oersted.
10. Three pairs of cohesion plates of brass and glass.163, 164
11. A so-called fire fountain. 226
12. A brass fire pumw[i=blowpipe]. 228
13. A steam reactor after Hero. 227
14. The same placed on a wagon. 225
15. Two thermometers in case. 200 ?
16. Sevenffiiermometers, glass mounted, for various experiments.
BSP An apparatus for the expansive force of steam. 223
18. A hydrogen lamp after Volta. 326
19. A glass displacement apparatus.
20. An apparatus for the capillary attraction between glass plates.
21. An apparatus, glass bell with gun-lock, for the combustion
of gunpowder in rarefied air.
22. Five thermometers, whereof two are not divided, in box. 200
23. A blow-pipe with lamp in box. 229