16. A large voltameter with jar. 340
17. A smaller apparatus for the preparation of detonating gases.
18. A water decomposition apparatus with two jars.
19. An apparatus for the interaction of currents on currents, following
Ampère. 746
20. A ditto for the experiments of Oersted. 660
21. A steel magnet with turning spirals ||helices]. 658 (658)
22. The same, with turning elements. 658 (659)
23. A rotating magnet after Sturgeon. 658 (660)
24. The same, with conductors which revolve by thermoelectricity.
25. A thermoelectric battery of 16 elements. 744
26. A spark spiral thereto. 680
27. An electrothermoscope. 731 ?
28. An electric thermometer after Snow Harris. 730
29. A trough with conductors on a stand, for the rising up of
30. The same, with external conductors. 742
31. A larger ditto in wooden trough for the effect of electric currents
on mercury surface.
32. An induction apparatus with spark apparatus for various
metals. 741
33. The same spark ring, larger, without spiral.
34. A large Joule electromagnet.
35. A ditto, smaller.
36. An Elias commutator. 700 (593)
3Z;orr A ditto after L's arrangement for the polarization. 700 (591)
38. An electromagnetic clockwork under a glass cover.
39. • An apparatus of Pliicker for the unipolar induction.
40. A rheostat after Wheatstone. 771
4J H A large Ruhmkorff apparatus with accessories.
42. An induction apparatus for NeefFs demonstration in a
vacuum. 685
Case D:
1. A large tripod reflecting telescope on brass foot with horizontal
and vertical movement, with accessory apparatus with
two half-lenses [=heliometer] in case. 257, 258
2. A small pocket telescope on a wooden foot. 598
3. A double telescope for binocular viewing, on brass foot with ¡e
horizontal and vertical movement by J. van Deijl. 265
4. A brass pocket telescope by J. van Deijl. 263
5. A lucernal microscope, on foot. 269
6. Twelve units of opaque objects. 274 f
7. A large compound microscope by Powell of London with all
accessories in case. 587
8. A compound microscope by Van Deijl. 270
9. A solar microscope. 268
10. A hand microscope by Leeuwenhoek in silver, lost
11. Three hand microscopes with 10 microphotographs in box. 585 r
12. A reflecting microscope by Rienks. 271
13. A case with objects [=microscopic] by Ypelaar. 273
14. An apparatus for projecting the phenomena of polarization
and double refraction in crystals, with accessories. 572
15. A Norrenberg-Clarke's polarization apparatus with various
analysers. 570
16. Two prisms constructed of pure flint glass on foot. 251
17. An achromatic prism in box. 261
18. Some prisms, cube, and pieces of polished common glass in
various forms, in two wooden boxes. 253, 254
19. Some troughs, wholly or partly with glazed walls, for the
refraction in liquids. 237
20. Four large glass lenses, mounted on wooden foot, one
unmounted. 234, 235, 236
21. A concave mirror mounted on wooden foot. 241
22. A convex mirror, the same. 243
23. A large thaumatrope after Wollaston, lost
24. The same, smaller, lost
25. Some, discs for persistence of vision. [Eenige schijven voor de
subjective lichtindrukken. The first draft, Nr. 197, is more
explicit: A rotation apparatus for the persistence of vision
with many discs belonging to it. A phenakistoscope is intended.]
26. An apparatus for the subjective colours and several objects
for that purpose in a portfolio, lost
27. Some variously formed metal mirrors in two boxes. 255
28. A box with anamorphic objects for these mirrors. 255