389 HYDROMETERS • f 03) 3/4 19th C.
Mahogany box, 238 x 140 x 51, contains, in sections:
1. Brass float, length 215, scale 50 down to 0, unsigned.
2. Glass tube with mercury in bulb, length 195, scale 40 down to
0, inscribed: Aréomètre Pour l’alcool.
3. Glass tube with mercury in bulb, length 218, scale 0 down to
80, held in position by red wax, hand-drawn scale reads: Pour
les Sels Sirops et Acides.
4. Anodized brass tube, length 218, scale 1-9, white numerals.
390 HYDROMETERS (104) 1873
Signed: J.F. v. Deene Amsterd: February I8 r 4*.
A set of hydrometers for fluids denser than water:
1. Tinplate tube, length 344, containing instrument in blue wool
cover, glass tube, with mercury in bulb at Bottom, and oval
bulb above’, stem with scale, held by red wax, marked 1,030
down to 1,060. Inscribed in sfcript : Densimeter J.F. v. Deene
Amsterd: February 1873. Overall length 295, width oval bulb
2. Tinplate tube, length 344, containing instrument in blue wool
cover, glass tube as above, overall length 282; scale from 1,060
down to 1,090; inscribed same as 1.
Tinplate tube, length 344; instrument in blue wool cover; glass
tube as above, overall length 297; scale from 1,000 down to
1,030; inscribed same as 1.
4. Different type, inscribed on paper: Densimetrum pro liq: aq:
gravior, scale 0 down to 70, matched by another scale 1.00 to
Also little thermometer in tube; scale Fahrenheit from 135° to 5°, which
is held in place by red wax; bulb broken. For Van Deene, see Mooi||
(1988), 97, W iB |
Signed: J.F. van Deene Amsterdam January 1873
Oak box lined in faded purple velvet, 400 x 85 x 48, contains:
life Glass tube with mercury in lower bulb and float chamber,
length 365; paper scale, held by wax, marked 29 down to 8.
Inscribed! Honderdeelige Areometer; Temperatuur lfmiQilsius J.F.
van Deene Amsterdam January 1873.
2. Same type of instrument, length 360, scaleS to 0; inscription
3. Thermometer, length 22?2, diameter 10, glass loop at top,
paper scale SO0 down to -8°; inscribed: Celsius J.F. van Deene
Amsterdam January