W ie d e m a n n (1873). Idem, il, pt 1 (Brunswick, 1873).
WlLDE (1866). Henry Wilde, "Experimental research in Magnetism
and Electricity: Part 1", Philosophical Magazine, 32 (1866), 148-152;
34 (1867), 81-104; "Part 2", 36 (1868), 81-116.
W illiam s (1971). L. Pearce Williams, The Selected Correspondence o f
Michael Faraday, 2 vols (Cambridge, 1971).
WILLIGEN (1862). VS.M. van der Willigen, "De Lichtenbergsche figuren",
Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten-
schappen, 14 (1862), 286-299.
WILLIGEN (1866). V.S.M. van der Willigen, "Mémoire sur la
détermination des longueurs d'onde du spectre solaire", Archives du
Musée Teyler, 1 (1868), 1-34 (fascicle 1, 1866); idem, 57-63 (fascicle 2,
1867); idem, 280-340 (fascicle 4, 1868).
WILLIGEN (1867). V.S.M. van d e r Willigen, "Mémoire su r la
détermination des indices de réfraction.,*”, Archives du Musée Teyler, 1
(1868), 74-116 (fascicle 2, 1867);.
WlLUGEN (1868). VS.M. van der Willigen, "Le pendule Foucault au Musée
Teyler", Archives du Musée Teyler, 1 (1868), 341-363 (fascicle 4, 1868).
WILLIGEN (1869). V.S.M. van der Willigen, "Sur la réfraction du quartz
et du spath d'Islande", Archives du Musée Teyler, 2 (1869), 153-182.
WILLIGEN (1870). V.S.M. van der Willigen, " Observations sur la
machine électrique de Holtz , Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences exactes
et naturelles, 5 (1870), 242-247.
WILLIGEN (1879). [obituary with list of works] "Volkert Simon
Maarten van der Willigen", Astronomische Gesellschaft Vierteljahr, 14
(1879), 98-111.
WOOD (1934). R.A. Wood, Physical Optics, 3rd edn (New York, 1934).
WOODCROFT (1854). Bennet Woodcroft, Alphabetical Index o f Patentees
o f Inventions 1617-1852 (London, 1854; reprinted 19 6 |f c ^
ZAMBONI (1812). Giuseppe Zamboni, "Dissertazione sulla pila elettri-
ca a secco”, Giomale di Fisica, Chimica, e Storia Naturale, 5 (1812),
ZEISS (1902). Carl Zeiss Optische Werkstaette Jena, Microscopes and
Microscopic Accessories, 32nd edn (Jena, 1902).
Appendix I
Van Breda's Catalogue of the
Instruments on Display, 1859
The manuscript "Catalogus der Natuurkundige Werktuigen in het
Museum van Teylers Stichting. July 1859" occurs in three copies. The
original (Teylers Stichting Archief Nr. 197) is dated July 1859, and it
includes Van Marum's instruments and those acquired by Van Breda to
that date. It gives, however, only what was on exhibition or stored in the
Oval Room, and not the items stored in the Foundation House. The
second copy (Nr. 198), of the same date, has deletions, corrections, and
additions done in pencil. There are 14 additions of complete items, 3
deletions of complete pieces, and 15 minor corrections. The third (Nr.
199) is a fair copy of 198. The translation has been made by G.L'E.T.
and checked by M.v.H. It has been made as close to the original as is
reasonable. All those items that can be identified have been given their
catalogue numbers. Those in the range 1 to 350 are published in the
catalogue of Van Marum's instruments; Turner (1973). Those in the
range 351 to 804 are in the present volume. When items are clearly lost,
they are so marked. Identifications and explanations are in brackets.
Inventory numbers, if needed, are given in parentheses after catalogue
The value of the 'Catalogus' is that it reveals what was actually
in the cases of the Oval Room in 1859, before the building of the New
Museum that opened in 1878. It also shows how the housekeeping was
carried out, and how the items were described and set in groups.
A list of the purchases by Van Breda between 1840 and his
retirement in 1864 is published in Breda (1979), 134-145. This was
compiled by J.G. de Bruijn from a manuscript written by Van der
Willigen in 1867, who had made a very simple list of the instruments,
with their cost, from 1784. The objective seems to have been the
valuation of the Physical Cabinet in terms of the money spent on acquiring
it. From 1865, when Van der Willigen took control, to 1867, when this
listing was completed, no purchase is named, the record merely stating
the sum paid to Van der Willigen in reimbursement.