
edged with black, and curve downwards over the- wings: back
and tail brown: fecondaries white: greater quills dufky : on the
breaft a band of black : belly brown like the back, but paler:
legs yellow : webs brown.
The female has the bill like the male : the plumage on the
upper parts dirty mottled brown : on the wing a fpot of white,
anting from the tips of the fecond quills being of that colour:
under parts of the body dirty white : legs black.
Inhabits the coaft of Labrador; from whence a pair in the
colleftion of Sir Jofeph Banks came. That defcribed in the
ArUic Zoology was fent from Connecticut in New England. Mr.
Pennant fuppofes this fpecies to be the fame with the pretty Pied
Pucks, which whittled as they flew, or as they fed, met with by.
Lawfon * in flocks, in the weftern branch of Cape Fear inlet.
47* Anas autumnalis, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 205. 39i
WHISTLINGD Le Canard tifflcur d’Amerique, Brif- O n. vi. p. 400, 23, pi. 38. 1..
Le Siffieur a bee rouge & narines jaunes, Buf. Oif. ix. 183.— PI. Enl. 826,
Red-billed whittling Duck, Ed<w. pi. 194.
Lev. Muf.
IZ E of a Wigeon: length twenty-one inches. Bill two inches,
long, red, nail black: irides hazel : crown of the head chef-
nut: nape ftreaked with chefnut: tides of the head and throat
dirty white: lower part of the neck rufous chefnut: the breaft
and between the thoulders yellow ath-colour, but paleft on the
breaft; all the feathers of the laft have yellowith margins :
back and fcapulars chefnut: inner wing coverts ath-colour,
I lift. Caret, p. 148»
inclining to rufous: greater coverts ath-colour: quills black,
but moft of them have the bafe white, making an oblique bar
of the fame on the wing: lower part' of the back, the rump
and tail, belly, and under the wings, black: under tail coverts
mottled black and white: legs yellow: claws black: hind toe
pretty long.
Inhabits the Weft Indies. I have alfo feen a fpecimen which
came from Cayenne. Has been brought into England alive.
Anas arborea, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 207. 44.
Le Canard liffleur de la Jamaique, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 403. 24,
Le Siflleur a bee Noir, Buf. Oif ix. p. 185.
Black-billed Whittling Duck, Ed<w. pi. 193.—&«7 Syn. p. 192. 12.—
Sloanejatn. p.324. t. 272.— Brown. Jam. p. 480.— Ar8. Z00L N°
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf
n p H IS is lefs than the Mallard, and ftands pretty high on
its legs : the neck is alfo long and (lender. The bill is
black: irides hazel: crown of the head dufky, fomewhat crefted
at the back part, and of a rufous brown : hind part of the neck
brown: back and fcapulars the fame, but the feathers margined
with rufous: rump and upper tail coverts darker: fides of the
head and throat White : fore part of the neck white, fpotted
with black : the breaft pale rufous, fpotted alfo with black : the
belly, thighs, and vent much like the fore part of the neck, but
the fpots are fmaller, and moft numerous on the fides : the wing
coverts rufous, fpotted with black: quills and tail duiky: legs
lead-colour: claws blade.
j S 2 Inhabits
a y j j
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