
39* G U L L.
■ 18» Larus trida&ylus, Lin. Syfl» i. p. 224. z.—^Faun. Sum» N° 157»—Mulltr,
TARROCK G. N. l6lƒ
La Mouette cendree tachetee, Brtf. Ora. vi. p. 185. pi. 17. fig. 2
Oif, viii. p. 424.— PL Enl. 387.
Tarrock, Rail Syn. p. 128. A. 4.— Will. Orn. p. 346. pi. 68.— Br. Z00L ii.
N° 251.— ArB. Zool. p. 533. D.
Lev. Mujl
D escription. T E N G T H fourteen inches : breadth thirty-fix : weight feven
ounces. Bill Ihort, thick, and black: head, neck, and under
parts, white : near each ear, and under the throat, a black fpot:
at the hind part of the neck a crefcent of black : the back and
fcapulars blueilh grey: the wing coverts dufky, edged with grey;
fome of the larger wholly grey: the exterior fides and ends of
the firft four quills black; tips of the two next black; all the
reft white : the ten middle feathers of the tail white, tipped with
black; the two outermoft wholly white: legs dufky alh-colour:
in lieu of the back toe it has only a protuberance.
Place and This breeds in Scotland with the Kittiwake, and inhabits other
Manners. - .
parts of northern Europe, quite to Iceland and Sptzbergen, the
Baltic, and Wbite Sea, as alfo Kamtfchdtka. Is common in Greenland
in fummer: comes in fpring, and frequents the fea fhores :
builds in the rocky crags of the bays : in June lays two eggs, of
a greenifh alh-colour, fpotted with brown: retires from the
fhores in autumn. Is obferved frequently to attend the whales and
Jeals, for the fake of the fijh which the lall drive before them into
the (hallows, when thefe birds dart into the water fuddenly, and
make them their prey.. Are very noify birds, efpecially during the
time of incubation. Swim well, and fly equally, and for a long
3 time
time together j often obferved on portions of ice fwimming in
the fea. Both the flefh and eggs are efteemed by the Greenlanders,
and the fkins ufed as garments.
L E N G T H nineteen inches. Bill two inches and a quarter
long, colour black head, neck, and beneath, white ■ on
each ear a fpot of black a at the lower part of the neck behind,
each feather has a dufky black bar juft at the tip : the back and
wing coverts of a fine pale afh-colour: from the bend of the
wing to the tip of the fecond quills is a bar of black, appearing
oblique when the wing is clofed, this bar is caufed by rnoft
of the feathers in the direftion being tipped with that colour:
the four firft quills are black, but the inner webs are white; the
two next white, with a black mark clofe to the tips; the reft
white ; fecondaries white, with a ftripe of black near the fhafc»'
and parallel to i t : tail white; all but the outer feathers tipped
for one inch with black : legs dufky : the hind claw wanting.
Inhabits Kamtjchatka. This feems to be the Tarrock in the
higheft ftate of markings, and of a larger fize than ufual. We
obferved a fecond, in which the markings were much lefs dif-
tinft, with the addition of fome clouds of black below the nape.
Both are in the pofieffion of Sir Jofeph Banks.
Larus Rifla, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 224. i.— Brnn. N* 140.—Mailer, N° 160.
Kittiwake, Br. Zool. ii., N° 250. pi. Sg.— ArB, Zool. N° 456, — Pbypps
Voy. p. 187.
Lev» Mit/i.
L E N G T H fourteen inches: breadth three feet two inches.
The bill yellow, tinged with green: .infide of the mouth
% L ' ln - . 3 E orange :
Var. a .