
D U K.
back, dufky black: the lower part of the breaft and fcapulars
chefnut: belly white : upper tail coverts and wings much as ltv
the male: legs dufky reddilh brown, , , . .
Some birds of this f * have the brown feathers edged with
ferruginous, others not. I have likewife obferved m fome i
white fpot on each fide of the lower part of the neck. Th
middle Wil feathers are much Ihorter in feme.birds than other ,
and, in refpeft to the female, it has not been our fortune to meet
with any which pofiefied them ; perhaps they do not appear,
except in old birds, or they moult them before the other
feaThis fpecies inhabits the northern regions, and comes now
and then, in rigorous winters, into England,
bers. Met with in the Orknies, in confiderable flocks, from
OBoier to April *. On the continent, frequents Sweden, Lapland
and Raffia* often in the neighbourhood of St. Peterjburgv
Met with alfo in Kamtfchatka. Found at Htidfon’s Bay, and
from thence as far as New Fork. Remains at Hud/ons Bay,„
Greenland, and among the ifiands, the whole
the neft among the graft near the/«, like M B B f g and
to lay five t blueifh white eggs, about the middle of June the
fize of thofe of a Pullet. When the young are hatched, the
mother carries them to the water in her bill.
well Flies fwift, and is a crafty bird. Lines the neft with the
feathers of the breaft, like the Eider Buck. The down is a fo
equally valuable, were it to be had in. the fame quantity. It has
‘+ f l T L r than tea, and often a. far at fourteen or fiftecn.-Mn
Hutchins. loud:
a loud and Angular cry, not unlike the word a-a-glik, fuppofed to
arife from the ftrufture of the larynx*. It feeds on ImaWJhell-
fijh, obtained by diving, and which are fuppofed to make a great
part of their food "j*. Called at Pludfon $ Bay, Uahaway, and up—
pear numerous, flying in large flocks j their flight is fhort,
and near the furface of the water.
La Sarcelle de Ferroe, Ora. vi. p. 460. 40. pi. 40. fig. z.—Buf.
0 ':J. ix. p. 278.—Pi- Enl. 999.
V ar. A.
T E N G T H one foot four inches and a quarter. Bill dufky; at
the bafe of the upper mandible is a fpot of pale grey, from
thence pafles a black ftreak down the middle of the crown to the
hind head: fides of the head pale grey, inclining to yellow; and
juft round the eyes white 1 hind part of the head and neck
dufky and white mixed ; fides of the laft dark brown : throat
and fore part of the neck white, minutely fpotted with brown :
back, wings, rump, and upper tail coverts, brown; the laft white
on the fides : fcapulars long, brown, with rufous margins : breaft
and belly white : the tail pointed ; the four middle feathers grey
brown ; the five on each fide pale grey, with whitifh edges :
legs brownifh lead-colour.
Inhabits the Ferroe IJles, where it is called O’Edel. Suppofed
* This is faid to have three openings covered with a thin membrane.-
Defcrip• Kamtfch. p. 498*
4 One fpecies is the Mytilus Di/cors.—Lin.
J Brunnich.— Arft. Zool.
D escription.