
6i& ' T R O P I C B I R D .
them by way of ornament in various manners; they are worn in
the caps of the Sandwich Iflanders, being in great plenty at
!Tahoora*, as alfo in various parts of their drefs; but in none
more confpicuous than in the mourning garment of Otaheite,
in which ifland numbers are picked up in the mountainous parts,
where it alfo breeds -f\ The flefh cannot be called good, but
was found fufficiently acceptable to thofe who had long been
confined to fait provifions, and in which circumftance the failors
did not delpile it.
Le Paille en Cal blanc, JlriJ. Orn. vi. p. 485. 2. pi. 42. fig. 2.
Le petit Paille en Queue, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 3.55.
Faille en Queue de Pille de France, PI. Enl. 369.
Tropic Bird, Catefi. Car. App. pi. 14.— Bro-wn. Jam. p. 482.— Edvt*
pi. 149. fig. 2.
I n s c r i p t io n . ^ H 1S is lefs than the laft. The bill cinereous at the bafe,
the reft of the length yellowifh : the plumage in general of
a ftlvery white : it has the black crefcent round the eye, as in the
other j and the fcapulars, like that, marked with black: the
legs yellowilh : bafe of the toes the fame; the reft of the length,
the webs, and claws, black.
Pl a c i . This is faid to be found in various places, as the other, of
which it appears a variety.
* Cod’s laß Vo], ii. p. 232.— iii. p. 172. + Forß. Vo], ii. p. 92.
Var. A.
T R O P I C B I R D . 619
Le Paille en Queue fauve, BHf. Orn. vi. 3. 1.
VaR. B.
r p H I S is ftill a further variety; and differs merely in having YELLOW TR.B.
A the plumage of a yellowilh white, inftead of a pure filvery D escription.
one, as in the laft. Thefe differences may perhaps arife merely
from age, if not the diftinguilhing mark of fex.
r p H I S is in fize fmaller than any o f the former: length nineteen
inches and a half. Bill three inches long, greatly com- BLACK-BILLED
preffed on the lides, and black : the plumage on the upper part d ESCRIPTIOMi
o f the body and wings interruptedly ftriated b lack and white :
before the eye a large crefcent o f b la c k ; behind it a ftreak o f the
fam e : the forehead, and all the under parts o f the body, pure
white : the quills and tail marked as the upper parts, but the
ends o f the firft white, and the mod o f the feathers o f the laft
marked with dulky b lack at the tips : lides over the thighs
ftriated black and w h ite : legs black.
T h is was found it'Turtle and Palmerjlon JJlands, in the South Placr.
Seas, and is in the poffelfion o f S ir Jofefh Banks.
Le Paille en Queue à brins rougés, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 357.
Paille en Queue de l’lfle de France, PI. Eut. 979.
Lev. Muf
TR. B.
Pi. CV.
r p H E length of this fpecies is two feet ten inches, of whidh the
two long tail feathers alone meafure one foot nine. The
bill is three inches and a half in length, and of a deep red:
the plumage white, with a tinge of elegant pale rofe-colour: the
4 K 2 - crefcent