
■ about the White Sea *. Frequents this kingdom +, and the
countries which lie to the fouth of it, in the winter leafon, at
which time it is common in France, Auftria J, and Italy %. Is in
plenty about the lake Baikal ||, in AJia $ and is often feen in flocks
on the fea-coafts of China, where it is caught by the Cbinefe, in
ihares. In America not uncommon, being feen in plenty at New
Torky where it is called Blue-bill ** ; from thence as far north
at leaft as Hudfon's Bay, at which place it is fuppofed to breed ;
and from whence I have received a fpecimen. The flefli is very
fine flavoured, and tender.
Anas glacialis, Lin* Syjt. i* p* 203. 30••—Faun, Suec. N° 125.—Scop. Ann.
i. N° 74.— Brun. Orn. N° 75. 76.— Muller, N° 123.— Phil. Tranf.
lxii. p. 418.
Le Canard a longue queue de Terre Neuve, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 382. 18.—
Buf. Oif. ix. p. 202.
Canard de Miclon, PI. Enl. 1008«
Swallow-tailed Sheldrake, Rail Syn. p. 145. A. 14.—Will. Orn. p. 364.
§ 6.
Long-tailed Duck, Edvo. pi* 280.— i?r. Zool, ii. N° 283. Ar£i. Zool. N*
Lev. Muf.
D escription. C I Z E of a Wigeon: length twenty-two inches: breadth twenty-
nine, the long tail-feathers included: weight twenty-four
ounces and a half, troy. The bill, is an inch and a half long, and
* ArEl. Zool.
f Vifits the Orknies in great flocks, in the winter. Id.—In great quantities
in Connaught, in Ireland, in the month of February only. Br. Zool.
% Kramer. § About Rome, where it is called Coda lancea.— Willughby.
JJ,Georgi. ** KalmAtrav. i. p* 137«
a black i
black; down the middle, and acrofs the tip, orange: irides red:
the fore part and lidos of the head are of a reddilh grey : on
each fide of the neck, juft below the head, is an oval fpot of
black: the hind part of the head, the throat, and remaining
part of the neck and bread, white : back- and rump black: fides
of the upper tail coverts white, the middle black: lower part
of the breaft, and upper part of the belly, dufky, paffing upwards,
on each fide of the breaft, to the back : the lower belly and
vent white: the fcapulars are alfo white, and are long, and
pointed at the ends: the wings chiefly black, with a mixture
of chefnut: the four middle tail feathers are black, the others
white; the two middle ones are narrow, and exceed the others
by three inches and a half: legs of a dull red : claws black.
This fpecies varies; in fome birds the plumage is more or lefs
of a brown or chocolate colour, where in others it is black; and
the fpot on each fide of the neck occupies half of it: the two
middle tail feathers are frequently as long as the reft of the
bird : the legs alfo have all the different fliades of red in different
birds. The bill however is one conftant mark, though it
is broadeft in the younger birds *.
Anas hyemalis, Lin. Sjifi. i. p. 202. 29.—Faun. GrotnI. N° 45.
Le Canard a longue queue d’lflande, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 379. 17*
Sharp-tailed Duck, called Havelda, Will. Orn. p. 364. § 5.
Long-tailed Duck, Edvj. pi. 156,
B I L L as the laft defcribed: fides of the head white; hind
head cinereous; the reft of the head, the neck, breaft, and
* Pall, Spic. v. p. 28. Note (a).
3 Y