
5* Colymbus feptentrionalis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 220. 3.— Brun. N° 132.—Muller t
4- RED- xjo
Colymbus ar&icus collo rufo, Aft. Nidr* i. p.244. t. 2. fig. 2. '
Le Plongeon a gorge rouge, Brif. Orn. vi. p. m . 3. pl. 11. fig. 1,—
PI. Enl. 308.
Red-throated Loon, Edw. pl. 97.
■ —■ Diver, Br. Zool. N° 240. pl. 1.—Arft, Zool. N° 443.
Br. Muf* Lev. Muf.
fT1 H I S weighs three pounds; and is two feet five inches in
length. The bill three inches long, black, and flender:
the head and chin are cinereous, dotted with brown : the reft of
the head, fides of the neck, and throat, alh-colour: the hind
Place and
part of the neck longitudinally ftreaked with dulky and white :
the throat, and part of the neck, of a fine chefnut red : from
thence the under parts are white : the upper parts of the body’,
wings, and tail, are dulky j the two firft marked with a few
white fpots : the tail plain : thighs ftreaked dulky and white :
legs dulky, with a reddilh tinge on fome parts.
The red-throated Diver, like the black-throated one, is feldom :
met with fouthward, except in fevere winters. It breeds in the
northern parts of Scotland, on the borders of the lakes. Found in
Rujfia, Sibiria, and Kamtfchatka; but does not haunt the inland
lakes * . Common in Iceland and Greenland ■, breeds in the laft
in June, and lays two alh-coloured eggs, marked with a few
black fpots j they are in Ihape longer, and more flender than thole
of the Hen ; making a neft in the grafs on the Ihores of the firft,
compofed of mofs and grafs, and placed contiguous to the water.
It fwims and dives well, and flies admirably, and while flying is
very noify. Oftener frequent frelh waters than thofe of the fea.
* Arft* Zool*
Feeds on fmall fijh, crabs, and fea infefts: and the fkin is put to
the fame ufes as that of the black-throated fpecies. Inhabits the
rivers of Hudfon's Bay in the fummer, appearing as foon as the
rivers are open. Lays in June, and lines the neft with a little
down from its own bread:; the young fly before the'end of
Augujl, and they all depart in September. Are called by the'
natives, AJfee-moqua. They prey much on the fijh entangled in
the nets; but are often thereby caught themfelves *.
Striped Diver, Arft. Zool* N° 442.
E IG H T between two and three pounds. Bill ftrong,
three inches long, and black : head and neck light grey,
firiped regularly downwards with long, narrow, black lines : back
and fcapulars dulky and plain: primaries, tail, and legs, dulky :.
cheeks, and'whole under fide of the body, of a glofiy white.
Inhabits the inland lakes of Hudfon’s Bay, about one hundred
miles fouthward of York Fort. Lays, in June, two eggs. Flies
high, and pafles, backwards and forwards, making a great noife,
which is faid to portend rain : detefted by the natives, who look
on this note as fupernatural f . Named, at Hudfon’s Bay, Mathe-
moqua J.
§ 1 Z E uncertain j|. Bill dulky: irides alh-colour : the upper
parts of the head, neck, body, wings, and tail, dulky greenilh
brown; the middle of the feathers much darker: the fore part
of the neck the lame, but confiderably paler: chin .pale rufous :
breaft and under parts of the body pale rufous white, marked
* Fourteen have been taken out of a Angle net at one tide. Mr. Hutchins.—
The other fpecies of Diver are likewife taken in the fame manner.
4 Arft. Zool» J Mr. Hutchins*
U In the drawing the length was fourteen inches.
Y ol. HI. y y
D e s c r i p t io n.
Place and
M anners.