G enus LXXXVI. D I V E R .
N° i. Northern D. N° j . Red-throated D.
2. Imber D. 6. Striped D.
3. Speckled D. 7. Chinefe D.
4. Black-throated D.
BI L L ftrong, ftrait, pointed; upper mandible the longeft;
edges of each bending inwards.
Noftrils linear; the upper part divided by a fmall cutaneous
Tongue long, and pointed; ferrated on each fide near the
Legs thin and flat.
Toes four in number, the exterior the longeft; the back one
fmall, joined to the interior by a fmall membrane.
Tail fhort; confifts of twenty feathers.
Colymbus glacialis, Lin, Syjl» i. p. 221. 5,— Brun, N° 134' Mulkr,
N° 155.—Frifch. t. 185. A,—Faun, Groenl, N° 62.
Legrand Plongeon tacheté, Brif, Orn. vi. p. 120. 6. pi. 11. fig. r.
Le Plongeon tacheté, Brif. Orn, vi. p. 117. 5. (a young bird.)
L’lmbrim, Buf, Oif. vi. p. 258. pi. 22.— PI, Eni, 952.
Colymbus maximus caudatus, Raii Sjn. p. 125. A. 4.
Greateft fpeckled Diver, or Loon, Will, Orn. p. 341 ,—Albin, iii. pi. 93.
Northern Diver, Br. Zool. ii. N° 237. pi. 84.— Aril. Znl. N° 439.
JSr. Muf. Lev, Muf.
T H IS is the làrgeft of the Diver genus, weighing fixteen
pounds : and meafures near three feet fix inches in length :
V ol. III. X x the