4 9 .
V ar. A .
D e s c r i p t io n.
y LÄGE .
5 0 .
W H I T E - F A C E D
D .
T he Mal«.
D E & C IU P t jQ N .
in Carniola, on the lake Zirchnichew, where it makes the neft in
fubterraneous hollows in the banks: and this author obferves, that
they are often killed in vaft numbers by the countrymen with
clubs; being driven out of their holes in the full funlhine, in
the middle of the day, which blinds them fo as to prevent their
being able either to refill: or fly away.
Le Milloirinan, Buf. X)!/, ix. p . 221.— PL Enl. iooa*
g I Z E of the laft: length twenty-one inches. Bill blueilh black:
head, neck, and breaft, black, bronzed with green,''verging
to copper about the eyes : lower part of the breaft and belly
white: back, fcapulars, leffer wing coverts, and between the legs,
ftriated with fine tranfverfe lines of black and dulky white : lower
part of the back, vent, and tail, black : greater wing coverts
half black, half white : fecond quills much the fame: prime
quills dufky : legs black.
This was killed in France, on the coafts of Picardy. Buffon
alfo mentions a fecond, which he received from Louijiana, but ra-1
ther fmaller. It appears by the figure to be merely a variety of
the Scauj> Buck.
A n a s d i f c o r s , Lin. Syf. i . p . 2 0 5 . 3 7 .
X .a S a r c e l l e d ’ A m e r iq u e , Brif. Orn, v i . p . 4 5 2 . 3 5 .
--------- S o u c r o u r o u , Buf. O if i x . p . 2 7 9 .— PI. Enl. 9 6 6 . ( th e m a le ) .
W h i t e - f a c e d T e a l , Catefb. Car. i . p i . 1 0 0 .— Brown Jam. p . 4 8 1 .— ArR.
Zool. H ° 5 0 3 .
Lev. Muf.
g l Z E between a Teal and a Wigeon: length fifteen inches and
a quarter. Bill black: crown the fame: bafe of the bill
1 furrounded
ftirrounded with black : between the bill and eye a white ftripe,
ending on each fide the chin : the reft of the head and neck
glofiy green, changing to v io le tb a c k brown, tranfverlely waved
with irregular lines of grey : the lower part of the neck before,
breaft, and belly, pale rufous, marked with dulky fpots: vent
black : wing coverts blue; below them a white band : fpeculum
green: quills and tail brown: legs yellow.
A n a s d i f c o r s , Lin. Syß. i . p . 2 0 5 . 3 7 . ß.
L a S a r c e l l e d e V i r g i n i e , Brif. Orn. v i . p . 4 5 5 . 3 6.
- S o u c r o u r e t t e , Buf. O if i x . p . 2 8 0 .
- ......—-------- d e C a y e n n e , PI. Enl. 4 0 3 .
B lu e - w in g e d T e a l , Catefb. Car. i . p i . 99*
Lev. Muf
r p H E femalels rather lefs than the male. Bill the fame : the
head and neck brown, mixed with pale grey : back deeper
brown, the feathers margined with yellowilh buff-colour : breaft
and fides the fame, but paler: belly and vent pale yellowilh
brown: the fcapulars are dulky black: the wing coverts pale
blue; fpeculum green; between them a narrow bar of white:
quills and tail dulky :• legs dulky yellow.
Thefe birds inhabit the American continent*; but not farther
north than New Fork. Catejby obferves, that they come: into
Carolina in Augufl, and feed on the rice, remaining there till
October-, and, when the rice fails, attack the wild oats ; and frequent
the ponds and frelh waters. The flelh is reckoned delicious,,
being for the moft part very fat. Found alfo at Guiana,
and Cayenne.
• T h e America« Shell-Drake a n d Blue-wing e x c e e d a l l o f t h e Duck k i n d w h a t -
f o e v e r ; a n d th e fe a r e in p r o d i g io a e n u m b e r s i— Burn. Tram. p . 1 6 - /
4- W H I T E -
F A C E D D .
T he Female.
D e scrip tion.
P lace and
M anners ..-