F la ck *
Dkscrip tion.
neck, and under parts, brownifh white: the lower half of the
back, in one fjpecimen, ftriped black and dulky white j the feathers
narrow, and edged with the laft c o lourin the other, the
back of a plain colour : the bag in both of an enormous fize,
taking up the greateft part of the neck before: at the hind part
of it, the whole length, the feathers much longer than the reft j
though the nape of the neck, or back part of the bead, were not
at all crefted.
Thefe laft were brought from Cayenne.
Br. Mu/ Lev* Mu/
C I Z E between a Goofe and a Swan : length four feet fix inches.
Bill thirteen inches, Ihaped as in other Pelicans, with the addition
of fome Angular protuberances on the top of the upper
mandible; from the bale of which, for above leven inches, the fur-
face is plain, as in other Pelicans; at this part an elevated ridge
begins, of about an inch and a half in height, and one-third of an
inch in thicknefs; this continues about an inch and a half on the
bill, and then other fmaller ones take rile, of different fizes, and
continue growing fmaller in an abrupt manner to the end of
the bill j the colour of the bill and ridge is reddilh yellow, here
and there inclining more to red : the under mandible and pouch
as in other fpecies j but on each fide, about the middle of the
firft, is a black fpot the fize of a ftlver fenny,' and the bag
is ftreaked with fine lines of black, which are pretty numerous
on the fore part o f it, moft fo next the end of the bill : the plumage
of the bird is wholly of a pure white, except the greater
quills, which are black: at the hind head the feathers are greatly
Plac i .
elongated, forming a creft of four inches and a half in length :
the legs are black.
This fpecies (for we efteem it as diftindt) is found in fome parts
of America. We have only feen three fpecimens, two of which
were brought from Hudfon’s Bay, and the third from New Tork;
but Mr. Pennant mentions its having been alfo fent from
South Carolina. The moft perfect fpecimen is in the Leverian
Mufeum : that in mine has the elevated part of the bill injured
in many places, but fufficient to lhew the original ftate. A third,
in the Britifh Mufeum, has the ridged part reduced to a mere
fibrous tuft, the reft having been beaten o ff: hence we may conclude,
that nature has intended this additional ridge for defence ;
and, as it is compofed of full as hard a texture as the reft of the
bill, nothing but repeated and violent blows could have been able
to produce the breaches made in my fpecimen,' and efpecially the
total deftrudtion of Ihape feen in that of the Britijh Mufeum.
Pelecanus aquilus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 216. 2.
La Fregate, Bri/ Orn. vi. p. 506. 6. pi. 43. fig. 2. h .— Buf. Oif. viii.
p. 381 .— Fernet. Voy. i. p. 125.—-//if/?. Louif. ii. p. 118.
La grande Fregate de Cayenne, PL Enl» 961.
Fregata Avis, Rail Syn. p. 153.
Rabihorcado, Rail Syn. p. 192. \ 5.— Will. Orn. p. 395. pi. •jj.— Ulloas
Voy. ii. p. 304.
Man of War Bird, Brown Jam. p. 483.—•'Damp. Vy. i. p. 49. pi. in vol. iii.
part 2. p. 99.
Frigate Bird, Albin, iii. pi. 80.— Gen. Birds, p. 67. pi. l6.
Lev. Mu/.
C I Z E , in the body, of a large Fowl: length three feet: breadth
fourteen. The bill is (lender, five inches long, and much curved
4 F 2 at