
fulvous, black, and white alternate: leffer wing coverts white;
the greater ones fartheft from the body brown; thofe neareft
the body green gold, forming a large fpot of the fame on the
wing: quills brown : the belly, thighs, and under tail coverts,
fulvous: tail banded as the upper parts: legs pale red.
Place. Inhabits Mexico.
D e s c r ip t ion.
F emale.
Rcd-breafted Shoveler, Br. Zool. ii. N* 281.
gj I Z E of a Common Duck. Bill large, ferrated on the Tides,
and intirely of a brownilh yellow colour: head large: eyes
fmall: irides yellow: bread: and throat of a Teddifh brown:
back brown, growing paler towards the (ides : the tips and pinions
of the wings grey : quills brown; the reft of a greyifh
brown : the fpeculum, or wing fpot, purple, edged with white :
tail lhort and 'white: vent of a bright brown, fpotted with
darker: legs lhort and llender: feet fmall, and of a reddilh
brown colour.
In the female all the colours are fainter, and the fpeculum of
the wings blue.
This fpecies is fometimes taken in the decoys of Lincoln-
Jhire. Shaw mentions a bird, by the name of Barbary Shoveler,
which feems much like the above, if not the fame; but in
that author’s bird the fpeculum nonfilled of blue, white, and
green *.
* See Trav. p. 254.
C IZ E of the Buffel-headed Duck: length fixteen inches. Bill
^ 'an inch and three quarters 5 in lhape very broad, and turns
a little towards the end : general colour of the upper mandible
blue; but the place of the noftrils, fides, and all the under
mandible, are orange : the eyes placed high up in the head:
irides brown : top of the head, taking in the eyes, black . fides
beneath, chin, and throat, white, mixed with blackifh fpots:
the upper part of the neck is brown ; the lower part, all round,
breaft, and belly, bat-red dufky and deep ferruginous, inclining
to faffron-colour: the lower part of the belly, vent, and rump,
barred dufky and dirty rufous white: under tail coverts dirty
White : back and fcapulars brown, a little marbled with minute
yellowifh dots: wings and tail plain dufky brown, the laft cuneiform
in lhape, and rather long: legs orange. _
This feems fomewhat allied to the laft,. but is certain y a 1
ferent fpecies. I received it, among other birds, from Jamaica,
where it firft appears in OSlober or November, and flaying till
March, retires north with feveral other fpecies. Bancroft, in his
hiftofy of Guiana *, mentions a Teal fomewhat larger than the
■ common one. The bill broad and black : the feathers of the head
whitifh brown : thofe of the neck, back, and wings, grey browns
variegated with fpots and bars of chefnut: breaft and belly dull
white° I fufpeSt this to be the fame with my bird. He fays t at
it frequents the rivers, like the Guiana Wild Duck, and at t e
fame feafons.
* P- ' 7*>-
3 U
V ol. III.