
D escrip tion.
neck, pale cream-colour, tranfverfely fpotted round the lower
part of the neck with dufky and ferruginous: back and wing
coverts deep dufky afh-colour: lower part of the back and rump
pale rufous afh-colour : fpeculum of the wings fine blue, bounded
below with white * : quills and tail black j the laft pointed in
fhape, and longer than the wings.
Inhabits Staaten Land. From the drawings of Sir JoJeph Banks.
Anas rufina, Pall. Trav. ii. p. 713. N° 28.
Le Canard fiflleur huppe, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 398. 22.— Buf. Qif. ix. 182.
— Pi. Enl. 928.
Anas capite ruffo major, Rail Syn. p. 140. 2.
The great Red-headed Duck, Will. Orn. p. 364.
Barbary Shoveler, Shaw's ~I‘rav. p. 254 ?
Lev. Muf.
H E I G H T three pounds or more: length two feet. Bill
the colour of cinnabar : irides brown: upper part of the
head and neck deep teftaceous red : crown pale rufous; the feathers
of it thick fet, Handing up, and forming a pretty large
globular creft: body in general black, but the under parts
inclined to dufky : beginning of the back, between the wings,
grey brown : baftard wing paler j at the bafe of it a tranfverfe
lunated white mark: wings blackilh brown : fpeculum white,
furrounded with black; under parts of them, and margins,
white: tail fhort, brown-, the margins of the feathers whitifh:
legs brown, reddifh on the fore part.
* In the draught there was Tome appearance of a protuberance on the joint
of the wing ; but as nothing was mentioned in the manufcript about it, the cir-
c'umftance mull remain uncertain.
T h t female is brown: of a paler colour: has a reddifh bill:
and is deftitute of a creft.
This inhabits the Cafpian Sea, and vaft lakes of the defert of
Tart ary, where it leads a folitary life. Sometimes feen in the
great lakes lying on the eaft fide of the XJralian Chain, but not
in the reft of Sibiria. Found to the fouth as far as Italy, as
Willughby met with it at Rome; and, if the fame with Shaw’s
Red-necked Shoveler, alfo in Barbary.
Hrafn-ond, Muller, p. 16. N" 131.— 7/7. Reiß, fefl. m .— ArS. Zoel p. ICEL^ D D
574. H.
G E N E R A L , colour black. Head crefted : forepart of the Description.
;neck, breaft, and belly, white : legs faffron-colour.
Inhabits Iceland, Called by the Inhabitants Hrafn-ond, Place.
Dufky Duck, Aril. Zeal. N° 496. DUSKY D
T E N G T H two feet, Bill long, narrow, and dufky. tinged Descmee 10n.
with blue : crown dufky:. neck pale brown, ftreaked downwards
with dufky lines: -back and wing coverts deep brown:
breaft and belly the fame, edged with dirty yellow: primaries
dufky: fpeculum of a fine blue, bounded with a black bar : tail
cuneiform, dufky, edged with white : legs dufky, or yellow.
Inhabits the province of Hew York. Place.
V o l . III. 4 A Anas