
D U C K,
We have inferred the above account under the head of Mallard,
on fuppofition of its being the fpecies which is fo common.
OJbeck mentions two by name, viz. the one called Hina-a, and the
other Konga-o ; but does not defcribe the latter, not having feen
i t ; yet he obferves, that certain Wild Ducks found there were
in fuch plenty, as to greatly difturb the fijhermen, by taking the
jijh out of their nets *.
Anas domeftica, Lin. Sjtfl. i. p. 206. 40. JS.
Le Canard domeftique, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 308. 1.
Common tame Duck» Wait Syn. p. 150. 1.— 191. 10.— Will. Orn. p. 380,
pi. 75.-*‘Brown Jam. p. 480.— Sloan. Jam. p. 323. 7.-^-Albin, iii.
pi. 99.
Br. Muf. Lem. Muf.
D escription, g Y ^e a^ove 's meant the Mallard and Duck in their ftate of
domejlicationof which no regular defcription can be given,
as the variety is infinite, much in the fame manner as in domej-
tic Poultry; befides, being under the continual infpeftion of all,
it would fcarce be in our power to add to the knowledge of any
country houjewife, or the loweft domeftic, on this head, or in the
manners, which are fo well known.
* We were aftonilhed to fee (fays he) the Chinefe, who had put their nets into
the water, Ihoot conftantly without aiming at any thing; but, on enquiry, we
were told that they were forced to watch their fifheries continually, and to
frighten away the Ducks, who would elfe empty the nets fooner than the men
could. I never faw fuch fearlefs and numerous flights of Ducks as here; one
flight after another came, notwithftanding the noife that was made on all lides,
and endeavoured to fettle near the nets ; but were always hindered in the above
manner. See OJb. Voy. ii. p. 33.— Whether thefe were the fampaneDucks, or not,
is not faid ; but he precifely determines that they were not like ours.
or, G eneral V ar
ie t y .
D U c K. 495
Le grand Canard fauvage, Brif Orn. vi. p. 326. A. V ar3*A.
j-pH IS differs from the common one inbeing larger, and mea- D escription.
f furing tWo feet fix inches in length, and three feet nine
in breadth. It is like .the other in plumage, except the back,
which is the colour of foot. If we are not miftaken, this variety
is called by fome the Roan Dtlck,
Le grand Canard fauvage gris, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 3 26. B. . V ar.3B.
C I Z E of the laft, but the plumage is aft-coloured, and the bill D escription.
and legs black.
Le grand Canard fauvage tacheté, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 327. C.
r-pHIS is like the common Mallard-, but differs in having t
back black, fpotted with yellow..
Anas Ac urea, Lin. Syjl.i. p. 206. 41.
Le Canard à bec courbé, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 311. 2.
Hook-billed Duck, Raii Sjn._ p. 150. 2,— m il. Orn. p. 381.. pi. 75
Albin, ii. pi. 96. 97.— iii- pi* IOO‘
Lev. Muf.
r p H l S differs not in colour of plumage, make, and fize, from D escription*.
the common Wild Duck ; and is alfo feen in every variety
incident to the domefticated one ; but differs in the bill, which is
fomewhat longer,, and, bent- downwards..
43- u
V ar. C.
he D escription.
V ar. D.