D U C K .
large as thofe of the Gooje. The young fly in July. The food
chiefly confifts of worms and grafs. Known by the name of Mis
fe Jheep *. In winter fometimes is met with as far fouth as New
York. Is common in Greenland-, and feems very much of the
nature of the lafl: fpecies, producing down equally valuable, and
has much the fame manners as that bird. The flelh is accounted
excellent, and the crude gibbous part of the bill a great delicacy.
The fkins are fewed together, and make warm garments. The
natives kill them with darts, and ufe the following method to fuc-
ceed :— A number of men in canoes, falling in with a flock while
fwimming, on a fudden fet up a Ihouting, making as much noife
as they can; on which, the birds being too much frightened to
fly away, dive under the water; but, as the place at which they
are to rife again is known by the bubbling of the water above,
the hunters follow them up as clofe as may be ; and after ailing
this three or four times over, the birds become fo fatigued as to
be eafily killed y. This fpecies is found alfo on the .coa,ft of
Norway, and has been killed in the Orknies J. Is pretty frequent
in the north of £ibiria and Kamtfchatka,
* Mr. Hutchins. -f Faun. Qroc.nl» J Aril. ZqoL
3 P 2 A n a s