
4- V ar. A.
Sterna nasvia, Lin. Syß. i. p. 228. 5.
Rallus lariformis, Scop. Ann. i. N® 156 *.
L’Hirondelle-de-Mer tacheiee, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 216. 6. pl. 20. fig. 2.
La Guifette, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 339.— Pl. Enl. 924.
Cloven-footed Gull, Albin, ii. pl. 82.
Kamtfchatkan Tern, Arbi. Zool. p. 523. A.
Lev. Muß
D escription.. J ^ E N G T H eleven inches and a half. Bill dufky : back part of
the head and nape black, edged with rufous brown : the eye
half furrounded at the back part with a black crefcent: the reft
of the head, neck, and under parts, white : back and wings of a
blueilh brown, the margins of the feathers paler: the outward
part of the wing more inclined to blue grey : the wings exceed
the tail in length ; the laft very little forked : legs dulky
Place and
This by authors has been confidered as a fpecies, but is
no doubt a young bird merely of the Sandwich Tern. Buffon
fays it is, in the ftate he defcribes, common on the coafts of
Picardy; that it lays about three eggs on a bed of dry leaves,
among the grajs, and fits feventeen days, and the young are all
hatched at once. Has alfo been obferved about Kamtfchatka f .
D escription.
g I Z E of the white Tern? Bill black: indes lead-colour:
the crown of the -head, and fides, below the eyes, white,
# Rallus fubtus albido-flavefcens, cemce caerulefcenti maculato digitis mar-
ginatis.—Li«. Syß. i. p. 153. N° 3. (edit. 10.)
Arfl. Zool.
mottled with black : the back part of the head and nape black :
the hind part of the neck, back, and fcapulars, white, tranfverfely
waved with black, many of the feathers being tipped with that
colour: wing coverts blueilh white, fome of the lefler ones
mottled with black : quills the fame, with the outer margins
black-, all the under parts white: tail white, Ihorter than the
wings; fome of the feathers edged, and others tipped with black:
legs lead-colour.
Inhabits the fea and Ihores of New Zealand. From the drawings
of Sir Jofeph Banks. This greatly refembles the young of
the Sandwich Tern.
T E N G T H fifteen inches. Bill rather (lender, near two inches
■ *"' in length, and of a deep blood red: the top of the head,
juft taking in the eye on each fide, and to the nape behind,
black; this is bounded by a line of white all round; the reft of
the plumage a very pale alh-colour, in fome parts nearly white;
the chin paleft: rump, vent, and tail, pure white; the outer
feather of the laft inclines to alh-colour : legs orange.
A fecond of thefe had a fhorter b ill: the tail afh-coloured, with
white lhafts: and the general colour of the plumage every where
darker : pofiibly a younger bird.
r p H I S is a trifle lefs than ths Noddy. Length fifteen inches:
breadth thirty-four. Bill two inches, black: general colour
of the plumage reddilh brown ; paleft beneath : between the
legs and vent white : the head, neck, and under parts, are plain:
D escription.
4- BROWN T .