America, as they were feen at Aoonalafhka *, as well as at Kamt-
Jchatka f , but believe at neither of thefe places very common:
in plenty, in the fummpr months, on the arblic coaft of Sibiria,
but never migrate beyond longitude 130 J. Suppofed to pafs
the winter in more moderate climes, as they have been feen
flying, at a great height, over Silefia; probably on their pafiage
to fome other country, as it does not appear that they continue
there : in like manner, thofe of America pafs the winter in Carolina.
Are by the Sibirians taken in nets, being decoyed thereto
by a perfon covered with a white fkin, and crawling on all-
fours; when, others driving them, thefe flupid birds, added to
their miftaking the firft for their leader, follow him, where they
are entangled in the nets, or led into a kind of found made ora
the occafion §.
Great Goofe, Ar3 . Zool. p . 570» A.
D e s c r i p t i o n . 'T 'H IS is of a very large fize, weighing near twenty-five or
thirty Ruffian pounds. The bill is black; bafe of it tawny *
body dulky : under parts white : legs fcarlet.
P l a c e » This fpecies is found in the eaft of Sibiria, from the river Lena
to Kamtjcbatka, and is taken in great numbers, together with
the Red-necked Goofe, in glades, as we do Woodcocks in England,.
but upon a larger fcale if.
* Ellii'i Narr. ii. p . 2 2 . t Hift. Kamt/cb. % IW Zml.
I T h e Kamtfclatlans u f e a iimilar method. See Hid, Kamt/cb, p. i j 8 .
It See Arg. Zool,—.pall. l ’ra-v, i i , p , j 23,
Anas Cynoides Aujlrdis, tin. SjJi. i. p. 194. 2. a.— Faun. Suec. N° 108.—
Frifch. pl. 153, 154.
L’Oie de Guinée, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 280. ’j .—^Buf. Oif. ix. p. 72. pl. 3.—
Pl. Enl\ 374.
Swan Goofe, Raii Syn. p. 138. Zs—Will. Orn. p. 360. pl. 71 *.
Spanifh Goofe, Albin» i. pl. 91.
Chinefe Goofe, Brown. Jam. p. 480.— Arft. Zool. p. 571. B.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
'J 'H I S is a large fpecies ; between a Swan and Goofe in fize :
in length more than three feet. The bill orange at the
bafe : on the forehead a large protuberance of the fame colour :
irides red brown: and under the throat a large pouch, fcarcely
covered with feathers, of a dark colour: round the bafe of the bill
a ring of white : the upper parts of the plumage pale greyilh
brown, fometimes the feathers edged with a paler colour : down
the hind part of the neck to the back is a lift of black: fore
part of the neck and bread yellow brown: belly white: lides
over the thighs grey brown and white: legs orange f : claws
Anas Cygnoides orientalis, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 194. 0.
L’Oye d’Mufcovie» Brif. Orn• vi. p. 277. 6.
Mufcovy Gander, Albin, ii. pl. 91, 92.
T ESS than the laft: length three feet fix inches. Bill orange:
irides yellow: on the forehead a large knob, as in the laft,
the fame colour as the bill j and beneath the throat a wattle: the
* This figure, though referred to in the index, feems rather to be the Canada
f In fome, the bill, knob at the bafe of it, and kgs, are black.
D e s c r i p t i o n .
V a r . A »
D e s c r i p t i o n »