
612 P E L I C A N .
Pelecanus Sula, Lin. Syft. i. p. 218» 7,
Le Fou, Sri/. Ora. vi. p. 49;. 1— Buf. Oif. viii. p. 3-63. pi. -29;
Anferi Baflano congener fufca avis, Raii Sjn. p. 191, 6.— Sloan. Jam. p.
322. t. 771. fig. 2 *.
Booby, Brown. Jam. p. 4.81.— Catiji. Car. i. pi. 87.
Lev. Mu/..
g I Z E of the lejfer Gannet_: length two feet fix inches. The
bill nearly four inches and a half long, toothed on the edges,
and of a grey colour; bafe of it pale brown : fpace round the
eyes, and the chin, bare of feathers, and covered with a yellowilh
lkin : irides pale grey:' the head, neck, upper parts of the
body, wings, and tail, cinereous brown : the greater quills much
the darkeft : the tail brownifh at the end, and in lhape greatly
cuneiform : the breaft, belly, thighs, and vent, white : legs pale
yellow : claws grey.
Catejby obferves, that thefe vary; Ibme have white bellies, and
others not; and that there is no perceivable difference between
male and female.
The young birds have the head and neck white, with a very
flight tinge of brown; but may be diftinguilhed from having the
feathers o f thofe parts downy and foft, and not 6f the ufual
Inhabits the Bahama IJlands; and we believe likewife very common
in many other parts of the world. Our fpecimen came from
Cayenne. It probably may be the fort mentioned by Dampier as
being fo plentiful in the ifiand of Aves, eight or nine leagues eaft
of Buenos Ayres, which is defcribed as a very fimple creature that
will hardly go out of a man’s way. • Thefe are faid to build their
P E L. I C A NS S i j
nefts on the ground in fuch places where no trees grow, but make
them on the laft whenever they can be found. The flejh is black
and fifhy, yet is often eaten by-the privateers. Is alfo met with
in New Guinea*. This has been feen at Kamtfcbatka f ; is found
in the- Ferroe IJles; and has alfo been met with on our own coafts
a few years fince J.
Pelecanus fibers Lin. Syjl. i. p. 218. 8;
Le Fou brun, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 499. 3. pi. 43. fig. it-
Le petit Fou brun, -Buf. Oif. viii. p. 374.
Fou brun de Cayenne, PI. Enl. 974.
Anferi Baffâno affinis, avis cinereo alba, a Booby, Raii Sym \>. 191*5.—
Sloan. Jam. i. Præf. p. 31. pi. 6. fig. 1,
SIZE bigger than a Mallards length two feet or: more. Bill
three inches and three quarters,, of a reddifh colour, bent at
the point, and fomewhat ferrated on the edges : fpace about the
eyes naked, and red : the general colour of the plumage is pale
cinereous brown, darker, on the. back and fcapulars, and paler on
the under parts of the body : the rump, and upper and under tail
coverts, pale grey : greater quills dufky afh-colour : the tail con-
fifts of fourteen feathers, and cuneiform in fhape; the two middle
feathers afh-colour ; the others the famé, inclining to brown,
with the tips grey : legs red-
Inhabits Cayenne,, and other parts of America, as well as feveral
of the IVefi India IJlands-, found alfo in Africa.
* See Voy. Vol. iii. Part ii. pi. in p, 165. f Ellis Aar. ii. p. 1&9.
Î ArS, Zool.— Br, Zool.ii. 619.