P l a c e a n d
M anke ra.
d u c k .
whole of the belly, and vent, black: wings dufky, on the middle
of the coverts white: all the quills black: the fecondaries
curve downwards over the quills j the ft afts deep ferruginous ;
on each fide of the outer ones a patch of white f tail cuneiform,,
ftort, black: legs black brown.
The female is left: the gibbous- part of the bill not fo big,
nor fo high-coloured s but the feathery ridge on thé top is
broader: the colour of both bill and legs is more dull, inclining
to brown r the whole plumage brown, the middle of each fea-
ther black: the head and neck paleft r the throat iftclking much,
to brown : the belly, the fourteen find quills, and the adjoining
coverts, are browmft j. the fix next are tipped with white, hence-
is produced aline of white on the wing : tail- as the quills.
The young males,fike the females, do not get the comprefied:
gibbofity of the bill, nor the colour of-the plumage, till advanced,
One in the Leverian Mufeum, which we fuJpeéb to be the-
young male, has the bill of a dulky red, nail black j the elevation
at the bafe much lefs coBfiderable : head and neck brownilh alb-
colour top of the head dreaked- with a few white lines-at the
back part: body and wings dull black-: on the middle of the
wing coverts a large .patch of white, as in the male,, and another-
in the middle o f the back : legs reddifh brown.
This beautiful fpecies is found at fludfm's. Bay. In plenty at:
Churchill River, in 59 degrees-north latitude, where the birds remain.
fo long as the water is unfrozen. Scarce at York Fort.
Build on the fides of ponds and rivers; the ne-ft made offlicks and
mofs, and lined with feathers from the bread, as in the Eider
Buck. The eggs are four or five in number, whitilh, and as-
7 I * large