the feathers of the back and wing coverts fringed at the ends
vrith reddilh white: fcapulars and fecond quills tipped with
white; under wing covert, and ridge of the wing, white : quills
and tail dulky, the lafb forked ; the lhafts of both white beneath:
legs pale reddilh brown: claws black.
Some fpecimens have the neck and breaft feathers margined
with dulky.
Inhabits Cayenne.
Sterna fufcata, Lin. Svfl. i. p. 228. 6.
L’Hirondelle-de-Mer brune, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 220. 7. pi. 21. f. 1. .
. Description. C I Z E of the black T e rn: length eleven inches. Bill an inch
and a half long, of a greyilh brown, with the tip black: the
head, throat, and hind part of the neck, dulky brown: back,
rump, fcapulars, and upper tail coverts, the fame, but the feathers
have rufous margins: fore part of the neck, and all the
under parts, brown : lefier -and middle wing coverts above,
dulky brown; the greater dulky : under wing coverts cinereous
white: quills dulky j the lhafts white beneath ; the two neareft
the body tipped with rufous : tail as the quills j the two middle
ones rufous at the tips : tail fomewhat forked; and the wings do
not quite reach to the end of it, when clofed : legs of a dull red :
claws black.
Place. Inhabits the illand of St. Domingtf. It feems greatly allied to
the laft-defcribed, though much lefs in fize.
Sterna Hirundo, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 227. 2.—Faun. Suec. N° 15S.»-HaJJelq.
p. 272. N° 40.— Scop. Ann. i. N° h i . - Brun. N° 151. 152.— Mullert
p. 21.— Faun. Groenl. N° 6g.—Kram. El. p. 345. (Larus.J— Fri/cB.
ii, 219.
La grande Hirondelle-de-Mer, Brif. Orn. vh p. 203. 1. pi. 19. fig. 1.—-
Buf. Oif. viii. p. 331. pi. 27.—PI. Enl. 987.
The Sea-Swallow, Rail Syn. p. 131. A. 1. 191. 7 Orn. p. 352.
pi. 68.—Albin, ii. pi. 884
Great Tern, Br. Zool. N° 254. pi. 96.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/.
J E N G T I I fourteen inches, or more: breadth thirty : weight
four ounces and a quarter. Bill flender, two inches and a
half longs the colour crimfon, and pointed at the end, where it
is black : the top of the head, taking in the eyes and nape,
black, tapering to a point at the back part of the neck: between
the noftrils and eye, fides under it, neck, and all the under parts,
pure white: the back and wings are of a fine pale alh-colour:
quills grey -, two or three of the outer ones very dark; the lhafts
white : tail greatly forked, white, except the outer web of the exterior
feather, which is black: the legs are crimfon: claws
- This is a very common fpecies, and frequents our fea-coafts,
and banks of lakes and rivers, during the fummers but moft
common in the neighbourhood of the fea. Found alfo in various
parts of Europe and Afia, according to the feafoji: in the fummer
as far as Greenland and Spitzbergen-, migrating in turn to the
fouth of Aujlria and Greece. It lays three or four eggs, about the
month of June, of a dull olive-colour, an inch and three quarters
V ol. III. 3 A in
„ >4-
D e s c r ip t ion;
Place anb