G U I L L E M O T .
It varies in having the black ftreak behind the eye much
broader in fome birds *.
This is much lefs common than the fooliß Guillemot; and only
frequents our coafts in winter:, is rarely feen on thofe of Wales-,
but in the Firth of Forth, in ^Scotland, met with, along with the
Black-hilled Auks, in innumerable flocks, in purfuit of [prats; they
are there called Morrots; and all retire before fpring f . Are
frequent alfo, along with the young or Black-billed Auks, on our
weftern coafts, in the winter; having received them from Teign-
moutb in Devonßire, the middle of December 1783. We have
great reafon to fufpeft that thefe birds are no other than the
fooliß Guillemot in a young ftate : as to fhape and make they no
ways differ; and as to their being white on the Tides of the head
and throat, it is fo with the young Razor-bills $ and we have
fcarce a doubt, but that they change with age, in the fame manner
as thofe birds do.
Colymbus Grylle, Lin. Syß. i. p. 27.1. i.—Faun. Sure. N~' 148.— Brun.
N° 113.—Muller, N” 151.— A3 . Nidr. i. t. 4.—Frifch. t. 183.
Le petit Guillemot noir, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 76.— B:f. Oif. ix. p. 354;_
PI. Enl. 937. (Female.)
Kaiaver, or Kaior, Hiß. Kamif. p. 157.
Greenland Dove, or Sea Turtle, Raii Syn. p. .121. 6.— IFill. Orn. p. 326.
pi. 7%— Ander/. Groenl. ii. pi. 1— Albin, ii. pi. 80. (The male.)
Black Guillemot, Hr. Zool. N° 236.—ArB. Zool. N° 437.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
Description. T ^ H IS fpecies is thirteen or fourteen inches in length-: twenty-
two in breadth : and weighs fourteen ounces. The bill an
inch and a half long, ftrait, flender, and black : the infide of the
# Brunnich. -f Br.' Zool.
G U I L L E M O T . 6» 333
mouth red : the general colour of the plumage is black, except a
large portion of white on the wing coverts j. and the fécond ,quills
tipped with white: the legs are fcarlet : claws black. This is
the fummer drefs. ,
The male and female are faid not to differ when of adult age :
they certainly change colour in the winter * : fometimes individuals
are met with wholly black f. ,
1~ ^ A R G E R than the laft : length eighteen inches. Bill an inch
and a half long, and black : the general colour of the plumage
footy black, paleft beneath :* feveral of the middle wing
coverts tipped with white, forming a broad oblong fpot acrofs
the wing : the fecondaries are alfo marked with white, meeting
the firft in an acute angle : legs red.
Inhabits Aoonalajhka. In the collefldon of Sir Jcfeph Banks.
Le petit Guillemot rayé, Brif Orn. vi. p. 78. 4.
Uria Balthica, Brun. N* 116):.
Spotted Greenland Dove, Bdvo. pi. 50,
V ar. A.
V ar. B.
2 N this the upper parts are of à brownilh black, tranfverfely p ESCRIPTION.
llriped with a darker colour : the Tides of the head, and under
parts, from chin to vent, dulky white, tranfverfely barred with
pale alh-colour : wing coverts white, part of them mixed with
black : legs dirty flelh-colour.
This came from Greenland. Plage.
* Faun* Groenl. -f* Mr. Hutchins.
J Both this and the following are fuppofed to be old birds in the winter drefs.
Faun. Groenl»— Some become wholly white in winter. Arïï. Zool.