
Y oung.
V arietie s.
M. Gueldenftaedt, the author of the above, thinks this to be a
diftinft fpecies from the Tufted Buck, in which I cannot pofi-
tively contradift him. It muft however be confidered, that the
tufted fpecies varies exceedingly, and is not complete in plumage
till the fecond year.
In the young bird * the head, neck, and breaft, are chefnut
brown, and very flightly crefted : the feathers at the bafe of the
bill of a pale yellow - back, wings, and tail black - breaft and
belly white; and a line of the fame acrofs the wings.
Scopoli has alfo noticed three varieties, which differ in fize
as well as plumage. The firft is fmaller than the Mallard, with
a black head, tinged with violet j creft as long as the finger: the
body brown: rump footy and white mixed.
The fecond variety is the fize of a Mallard. The bill yel-
lowiffi: the head, and beginning of the neck, rufous ; creft
fhort: the reft of the neck, the breaft, belly, and rump, black :
back brown : wings cinereous brown, margined with white: quills
white: at the bafe of each wing a white conic band: thighs
The third is the .fize of the firft. The head and creft rufous :
temples gloffy green : breaft whitilh, fpotted with black: belly
pure white: beneath the tail black: bafe of the wings brown,
beneath this a rufous band, then a ffiining green one, and laftly
one of black : quills brown.
From the above obfervations of authors, added to that of
our own, in refpeft to the young bird, a fpecimen of which is
now before me, there is much reafon to fufpedt that the whole
• Anas latiroitra, Brun. p. 21. N° 90.
3 here
here included under the article of Tufted Buck, are either varieties,
or differences in fex, if not in their progreflive ftages towards
C I Z E of a Teal: length fifteen inches. Bill two inches long,
and fomewhat ftout; colour a pale blueilh white; the nail
at the tip black: hides the colour of gold: the head and neck
are black, the hind part gloffed with purple, changing in fome
lights to blue: upper part of the body and wings black,
gloffed with green : under parts of the body pale alh-colour:
the quills are deep alh-colour; on the fecondaries a bar of white:
tail fhort, of a dirty green : legs pale alh-colour.
Inhabit Bujky Bay, in New Zealand *, where it is called He
patek. From the drawings of Sir Jofeph Banks. Captain Cook f
alfo mentions one, in his Voyage, bigger than a Teal, all black,
except the Brake, which has fome white in the w in g san d ob-
ferves, that it is met with no where, except at the head of the
Bay. The above feems to bear great affinity to the Tufted
sI Z E of a Mallard: length twenty-eight inches. Bill two
inches long, black, and turns up at the end j edges of the
under mandible yellowifti • irides red : top of the head dufky,
lengthening into a creft at the hind head i forehead, fides under
the eyes, and neck, pale afti-colour: chin, and fore part of the
D escription.
Forß. Voy. i. p. l68. + jCook'd Voy. i. p. 72.