
G U I L L E M O T .
3* I
V ar. C.
Uria Balthica, Bran. N° i i j .
J N this the head, neck, and breaft, are white, very lightly
fpotted with black: back black, with fome of the feathers
edged with white: belly fnow white : wings and tail black; and
a patch of white on the firft, as in the others.
Place, This from Chriflianfoe, and called there Sildeperris.
' ~ 3*
V ar. D.
T Sir Jofeph Banks’s I obferve a further variety, not greatly
differing. Length fourteen inches: the upper parts of the
body dufky black : crown mottled with white : hind part of the
neck inclining to afh-colour: greater wing coverts irregularly
marked black and white : quills and tail black : the under parts
white, marked with obfcure dufky black lines, except the chin,
which is plain white : legs pale brown: webs dufky.
Place« From Kamtfcbatka ?
H 3*
V ar. E«
Uria grylloides, Bran. N° 114 ?— Aa. Nidr. i. p. 268.
Spotted Guillemot, Br. Zool. ii. pi. 83. fig. 2.
Description. J N this the plumage is in patches of white and black on the
upper parts, and all beneath white. In Brunnich's bird the
belly was fpotted white and black: he fuppofes it to be a bird of
the firft year *.
Place. The Black Guillemot is found on the Baß ifland, in Scotland.\
and the Ifle of St. Kilda : vifits the laft in March. Makes the neft
* See Fp.itn. Groent*
G U I L L E M O T .
far under ground: lays a grey e g g ; or, according to others, two*,
of a whitilh colour, as big as thofe of a Hen, marked with many
grey and black fpots. Seen alfo on the rocks of Llandidno, in
Caernarvonfhire f , and in the Farn IJles, off the coaft of Northumberland.
Moftly fly in pairs. Dive well, hence by fome called
Diving Pigeons J.
Met with on all the Greenland Ihores in numbers, and feeds on
fmall fijh. It lays the beginning of June-, the eggs are eaten by
the inhabitants. The fkin of the body put to the fame ufes as
that of the Auks j and that of the legs ufed as a bait to their
filhing-lines. Found alfo at Spitzbergen §. A t Kamtfcbatka builds
the nett on high rocks in the fea, and whittles very loud; hence
by the Coffacs is called JvoJhik, or Pojl-boy ||. In this laft place a
variety is alfo found, with a white line iffuing from the white fpot
on the wings f . Common at Hudfon's Bay at all feafons, in the
extremes of the bay, and very numerous: called there by the
name of Sefekefewuck.
Cepphus lacteolus, Fall. Stic. v. p. 33. 4*
, ^ M WHITE G.
g I Z E of the Black Guillemot. Bill brownifh flelh-colour : in- D escription,
fide of the mouth white: irides brown: eye-lids brownilh
* See Faun. Groenl.—*According to Steller, the eggs are whitifii, fpotted with
l-uft, and fpeckled with afh-colour.—Br. Zool.
+ Id. X ArS. Zool. § Phipps Voy. p. 186.
Jj The hill, as well as the legs, is there faid to be red ; but I cannot find any
©ne who has Teen the bill of that colour. Indeed Lintueus fays, “ Roftrum, ic
“ pedes, & faux fan g u in e a b u t I fear he did not aver it from his own ob-
fervations, Artt.Zooh