P I .CV.
Anas latiroftra, Brun. N° 91»
■ -— Skoora, Muller, N° 130.
Lapmark Duck, Aról. Zool» p. 576. M.
C I Z E of the Wild Buck. Bill broad, and black : head, neck,
® and breaft, chefnut brown : at the bafe of the bill pale, and
inclining to yellow: back, wings, and tail, black - fecondaries
white, tipped with black, giving the appearance of a white line
on the wings I breaft and belly white; lower part of the laft afh-
colour : Tides, under the wings, ferruginous: legs black.
Inhabits Bcnwinvk. Common about Chrijliunftcdt ; alfo l.fip-
mark-, frequenting both fea and frelh water.
Anas ftrepera, Lin. Syft. i. p. 200. 20.— Faun. Suec. N° \z\.— Brun.
N° 91 .—Muller, N° 118.— Frifcb. pl. 168,— Georgi Reife, p. 166.
Le Chipeau, Brij. On. vi. p. 339. 8. pl. 33. fig. 1 .— Baf. OiJ. ix. 187. pl.
12. fem.— Pl. Etil. 958. ^
Gadwall, or Gray, Rmi Syn. i. 145. A. 2.—Will. Om. p. 374. pl. 7a —
Br. Zool. N° 288.— Ara. Zool. p. 575. I.
Lev. Muf.
O I Z E of the Wigeorr. length nineteen inches. Bill two inches;
° colour black : the head, and moft part of the neck, brown,
mixed and fpotted with rufous and black : Tides of the head,
throat, and fore part of the neck, rufous white, fpotted with
brown, paleft near the head: the lower part of the neck, beginning
of the back, and breaft, brown, marked with curved or
waved white lines: lower part of the back black brown . rump,
upper and under tail coverts, black : breaft and belly white,
t r tt - fncrfeH
D escription.
D escription.