4^4 D U C K .
+- BEAN G.
pretty frequent in Sibiria, and the Eafl of Ruffia *. Is aifo
common in the fummer at Hudfon's Bay, where it is called,
Safafquepethefue; and very numerous along with other forts f .
Beau-Goofe, B r . Z e d . ii. N° 267.— A r c !. Zool. N° 462.
Le v. Muf.
JT E N G T H two feet feven inches: extent four feet eleven:
weight fix pounds and a half. The bill final], much com-
preffed near the end, whitifh, and fometimes pale red in the
middle j and black at the bafe and nail: head and neck cinereous
brown, tinged with ferruginous : bread and belly dirty white,
clouded with cinereous: fides and fcapulars dark afh-colour,
edged with white: the back of a plain afh-colour: coverts of
the tail white: lefier coverts of the wings light grey, nearly
white: the middle deeper, tipped with white: primaries and
fecondaries grey, tipped with black: feet and legs faffron-colour:
claws black.
The above are the common colours and dimenfions of the
Bean-Goofe, as Mr. Pennant has thus deferibed i t : but a fpeci-
men in my poffeflion varies both in weight and fize, as well as
in being fomewhat differing in plumage: the length of mine is
full three feet: weight feven pounds five ounces: bill, from the
noftrils to the nail, deep brownifh red: leffer wing coverts grey;
the greater the fame, tipped with white: fecond quills as the
laft, but tipped and margined with white: greater quills plain
dufky black : legs dull brownifh red: claws black : in other
things it anfwers to the defeription in the Britijh Zoology.
* Ar£i. Zool. Mr. Hutchins.
.10 This
D U C K . 465
This fpecies inhabits England in the winter feafon : comes into
Lincolnfhire and Torkjhire in autumn *, and departs in May. Are
apt to alight in the corn-fields, and feed much on the green wheat.
Breed in great numbers in Lewis, one of the Hebrides j and no
doubt likewife in fuch places as other Wild Geefe are found,
being not till lately diftinguifhed from them. My fpecimen was
fent out of Suffolk. Obferved alfo at Hudjon's Bay
P lace and
M anners*
Bering Goofe, A rft. Zool. N° 475.
C IZ E of the Wild Goofe. At the bafe of the bill a yellow ex-
crefcence, radiated in the middle with blueifh black feathers :
round the ears a greenifh white fpace : eyes black, encircled
with yellow, and rayed with black: back, fore part of the
neck, and belly, white : wings black: hind part of the neck
D escrip tion*
Obferved by Steller, in July, on the IJle of Bering. The natives
putfue them in boats, and kill them, at the time of moulting
; at other times hunt them on land, with dogs.-, and, not
unfrequently, catch them in pits covered with grafs
P lace*
Gulaund Duck, Ar3 . Zool. p. 572. E.
C IZ E between a Goofe and Duck. Bill narrow : head of a
D e s c r i p t io n.
mallard green : bread: and belly white.
Inhabits the moraffes of Iceland. Lays from feven to nine
e®gs, and is a fcarce fpecies. The Icelanders call it Gulaund §.
# Among thefe fome have been obferved quite white.— Artt. Zool.
f Id. $ Defer. Kamtfch. p. 159. § A rft. Zool.
VoL. III. 3 Q Ana*
P lace.