
Bsp!? litó
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Place and
mandible dufky: the head is dufky, dotted with grey: hind
part of the neck plain dufky: the fides under the eye, the chin,
and throat, white: fore part of the neck very pale alh-colour :
back dufky, marked with oval fpots of white : fides of the breaft
and body the fame, but fmaller: the fpots on the rump and tail
minute: breaft and under parts white’: quills dufky: legs
brown : webs and claws pale.
This bird is pretty frequent in England; fuffidently fo on the
river names, where it is called by the filhermen Sprat Leon, being
often feen in vaft numbers among the lhoals of that fijh, diving
after them, and frequently approaching very near the boats while
fiibing. It is common about the Baltic and the White Sea, but
not obferved in other parts of Rujfta, yet is a native of Kamt-
febatka. It lays two eggs, in the grafs, on the borders of lakes
not far from the fea; they are ex aft] y oval, the fize of thofe of a
Cooje, dufky, marked with a few black fpots *.
Thefe are alfo frequent about the fijh-ptmds in France, except
they are frozen, when they betake themfelves to the rivers.
This and the two laft vifit New York in winter, but return
very far north to breed.
* Arc! . Zed.
i f
Colymbus ar&icus, tin. Syjl. u p. zzi? 4.— Faun• Suec* N° 150.-—Brun.
Orn. N° 133.—MullerN° 154.— Rail Syn, p. 125. Nidr• i.
p. 140. t. 2. fig. 1.
LePlongeon a gorge noire, Brif. Orn. vi, p. 115. 4.
Le Lumme, ou petit Flongeo’n de la Mer du Nord, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 26u
Wormiush Northern Doucker, Will Orn. p. 343. pi. 62.
Speckled Loon, Edw*-pi. 146.
Black-throated Diver, Br. Zool. ii. N° 241* pi. 85. fig. 2.— Arft, Z00L N° 444,
Hp H I S meafures two feet in length. Bill near two inches
long, (lender,, and black : the fore part of the head and
throat black: hind part of the head and neck afh-colour; fides
of the laft white, fpotted with black : on the fore part of the neck
a large patch of black, five inches in length,-changing to purple
and green in different lights : the back and upper parts black:
ftapulars marked with Iquare fpots of white : wing coverts the
fame, but the fpots are round: breaft and belly white : quills-
dufky :- tail lhort and black-: legs black, with a caft of red on-
the infide.
This bird is now and then found in England, but is not common.
Is fuffidently plenty in the northern parts of Europe, ■
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Frequent in the inland lakes of
Sibiria; efpecially thofe of the Jrllic- regions : alfo in Iceland,
Greenland, a.n& the Ferroe IJles: likewife in America at Hudjpn’s
Bay *. Suppofed to cry and be very reftlefs againft rain, making
a. great noife f.; hence the Norwegians think it impious to de-
ftroy this fpecies J ; but the Swedes, lefs fuperftitious,. drefs their
fkins, which,-like all of this genus, are exceeding tough,-, and ufe'
them for gun-cajgs, and facings for winter caps ||.
* Ediuardt. f Ament. Acai. iv. ,p. 5S.7, % Aril. Zool. Faun. Sitcc.
Colymbus -
Place- Artf'