
in length, marked with irregular black fpots, intermixed with*
fome others, of a fmaller lize, and lefs bright; the little end is-
almoll free from any markings: thefe are laid among the grafs-
or mofs. The young are hatched in July, and quit the neft very
foon after: they are carefully fed by their parents, and fly in
about fix weeks. This bird appears to have all the actions over
the water which the Swallow has on land; flamming over the-
furface, and feizing on every infedt which comes in its way j be—
fides which, the moment it fpies a fiih in the water,, it darts into-
that element, and feizing its prey arifes as quickly to the place it
dipped from.
It is alfo found in America:- comes into New England in May>.,
and goes away in, autumn \ called there the Mackarel Gull. At
Hudfon’s Bay known by the name of Black-head. Obferved to
lay their eggs in fmall hollows on the fhore, fometimes lined
with a few leaves. Often found in great numbers on the iflets in
the middle of the rivers, and is thought good eating. The natives
of Hudfon’s Bay call it Kenouch ene ou keafk*. It is a bold
bird, not fearing mankind : and in the time of incubation will,
attack any one; frequently darting down fo as to touch a per-
fon’s hat, without his giving the leaft offence.
V ariett. Dr. Forfter mentions a variety at Hudfon’s Bay, having the
legs black : the tail Ihorter, and lefs forked j and the outer feather
wholly white -f.
* Mr .Hutchins. f Phil. Tran/, vol. Ixii. p.421-
T E R N.
L'Hirondelle-de-Mer de l'Ule de Panay, Son. Voy. p. 125* 84.— Buf
Oif. viii. p. 344.
g I Z E of the common Tern. Bill black: top of the head fpotted D escription,
with black : hind part of the neck greyifh black: wings the
colour of umber above, greyifh beneath : fore part of the neck,
breaft, and belly, white: tail as the wings: legs black.
Inhabits the ifle of Panay. It feems greatly fimilar to our
■ common Tern, except in the darknefs of the upper part of the
P lace.
L’Hirondelle-de Mer cendree, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 210. 3. 116. s i
Larus niger fidipes alter, alis brevioribus, Ran Syn. p. 131. 5•
The other cloven-footed. Gull of Aldrovandus, with Ihorter wings, Will.
Orn. p. 354. ■1
g I Z E of a Blackbird: length thirteen inches. Bill black: Description.
head and throat black; in fome the forehead and chin is 1
mottled with white : neck, back, wings, rump, fcapulars, upper
tail coverts, and tail, and under parts from the breaft, afh-
colour: under tail coverts, and ridge of the wing, white: legs
•reddifh: claws black.
l l
Inhabits Italy, and parts adjacent j where thefe birds are
called Rondini Marini.
Place. |
Lev. Muf.
a- WHITE T .
J ^ E N G T H thirteen inches: breadth thirty. Bill flender,
black: eye-lids the fame: general colour of the plumage
white as fnow; but the fhafts of the fcapulars, quills, and tail,
3 A 2 except