
45+ D U C K,
fous, crofied with numerous dufky lines: on the breaft a large
fpot of a ,deep chefnut-colour: the belly is white: the under
tail coverts yellowilh: the wing coverts are white; the greater
ones neareft the body crofied at the ends with black ; and thofe
fartheft from it black: the greater quills are black, and, except
the five firft, edged with green gold: the fecondaries margined
with chefnut: on the bend of the wing a blunt fpur half an inch
in length : the tail as the firft quills: the legs red : claws dulky.
The female differs: the chefnut patch round the eye is fmaller:
the chin white : the chefnut patch on the breaft fmaller, if not
wholly wanting : the lefler wing coverts white; the others pale
afh-colour, with darker margins; the lower order fringed with
white, forming a bar on the wing : fcapulars and fecond quills
much inclined to chefnut: in other things refembles the male.
PlACE. This fpecies inhabits Egypt, and other parts of Africa ; • and is
fufliciently common at the Cape of Good Hope, from whence'
numbers have been brought into England and are now not uncommon
in gentlemen’s ponds in many parts of this kingdom,
being an admired and beautiful fpecies.
V ar. As
L’Oie fauvage du Cap de Bon Efperance, Son. Voy. Ind. ii.'p. 220.
D escription. ' J PH IS is the fizeof the Egyptian Goofe, of which it appears to
be a variety. The bill is greyifh, tinged with black at the
point: irides yellow ; the head, neck, belly, and vent, grey : the
eye furrounded with a naked fkin of a chefnut-colour : on the
breaft is a large black fpot: the back, wings, and rump, are
chefnut: on the edge of the wing are fome white feathers : the
tail is black : legs red.
D U C K . 455
Anfer ruficollis, Pall. Spic. vi. p. z i. t. 4.
Red-breafted Goofe, Ar£l. Zool. p. 571. C.
g IZ E of the Canada Goofe: length twenty-one inches: breadth
three feet ten inches: weight three pounds troy. Bill fmall,
brown ; nail black: irides yellow brown : round the eyes fringed
with brown : fore part o f the head, and crown, black, palling
backwards in a narrow ftripe quite to the back: forehead and
cheeks fprinkled with white: between the bill and eye an oval
large fpot of white, feparated from the white of the forehead by
a line of black: chin and throat black: behind the eye white,
paffing down on each fide the neck, and ending in a point; the
middle of this white is rufous; the reft of the neck deep rufous:
on the breaft is a narrow band of white feathers with black ends,
forming a band of white and another of black: belly white:
fides ftriped with black : back and wings black, the laft even
with the tail: greater wing coverts tipped with grey : upper and
under tail coverts white : legs black.
This is a moft elegant fpecies, and breeds in the northern
parts of RuJJia, from the river Ob to the Lena ; retires fouth in
autumn. Frequents the Cafpian Sea, from whence it returns to
the north in fmall flocks as the fummer comes on *. Suppofed
to winter in Perfia. One of thefe was Ihot near London in the beginning
of the fevere froft of the year 1766 : another taken alive
in Torkjhire, near Wyctiffe, about the fame time ; this foon became
very tame and familiar, was kept among other Ducks in a pond ;
D escription.
Place and
M anners .
* Dec. Puff. H. p. 19.