
was univerfally of the fame lhade, but inclining to black : round
the eye the (kin was blueifh; and the fides of the head, as well as
all the under parts, white : legs black.
The above fpecies inhabits New Zealand, and was met with
frequent in Queen Charlotte's Sound. It builds in trees, on which
a dozen or more are feen at once *. The egg is two inches and
and a half long, rather fmaller than that of a Hen, and of a pale
blueilh white.
T E N G T H two feet ten inches. Bill two inches and a half
long j colour duiky yellow : round the eye bare : the head,
and (ides above the eye, the hind part of the neck, and all the
upper parts of the body, wings, and tail, black: the feathers on
the top of the head very long, forming a pointed upright tuft or
creft, fomewhat tending forwards : on the wing coverts is an oblong
patch of white : and the under parts, from chin to vent, are
alfo white : the tail is four inches and a half in length, rounded
in lhape, and compoled of fourteen feathers : the legs pale yellow
This was brought with the others from Queen Charlotte’s Sound,
and is in the Hunterian Mufeum.
Br. Muf
g I Z E of a Teal: length twenty inches. Bill hooked at the tip:
round the eyes bare : colour of the upper mandible of a
brown black; the reft of the bill dirty yellowifh white : the plu-
• Thefe are mentioned as being more common than the fpotted fort.— Cook's
laß Voy. i. p. 151.
mage on the upper parts of the head and neck brown black:
middle of the back and rump glofiy black: fcapulars and wing
coverts blue grey, each feather margined all round, and tipped
with black: the three firft greater quills pale brown, inclining to
cinnamon z the reft brown black : fecondaries as long as the
quills, of a duiky black, edged with brown : the tail conlifts of
twelve feathers, is cuneiform in lhape, the two middle feathers
being feven inches long,, the outer three inches and a half only j
the four middle ones, and the outer on each fide, are pale brown,
the others black : the chin is white : fore part of the neck mottled
duiky white and black: belly much the fame, with a mixture
of brown : legs black.
Inhabits Africa.
Pelecanus pygmasus, Balias Trav. ii. p■ 712• N ' 16. t. G.
'T H I S fpecies is fcarcely fo big as a tea l. The bill, legs, and
fhape, exaftly correfponding with thofe of the Shag : the
body black, with a call of green about the neck and breaft : wing
coverts obfcure brown, each feather margined with glofiy black:
about the eyes dotted with white, but the fpots not very numerous
: on the neck, breaft, and fides, are alfo a few fcattered fpots,
which arife from pencils of very tender hairs of that colour,
which are intermixed, and appear here and there among the feathers
: the tail is compofed of twelve feathers, is ftiff, long, and
cuneiform, as in the Shag.
The female is wholly brown, or of a dull black, and not
D escription.