N* i. Great G. N* 11. Brown-headed G.
2. Black-backed G. 12. Laughing G.
3. Herring G. 13. Winter G.
4. Glaucous G. 14. Skua G.
5. SilveryG. 15. Black-roed G.
6. .Wagel G. 16. Arftic G.
7. Ivory G. 17. Little G.
8. Common G. 18. Tarrock G.
9. Black-headed G. V a r . A . '
10. Red-legged G. 19. Kittiwake G.
V ar. A.
BI L L ftrong, ftrait, but bending down at the point; on the
under part of the lower mandible an angular prominence.
Noltrils oblong and narrow, placed in the middle of the bill.
Tongue a little cloven.
Body light : wings long.
Legs fmall, naked above the knees: back toe fmall.
Between the Gulls and Terns there leems much affinity, and by
fome authors they have been confidered as one family.; but they
are perfectly diftinguiffiable, and eafily feparated into two genera.
The Gulls are in general ftouter proportioned birds than the
Terns, and have the bill much ftronger, and crooked at the end,
fome of them in a degree equal to many birds of prey ; while that
of the Tern is for the moft part ftrait and flender. The legs are
VoL' n i - 3 B likewife