
P l a c e .
the neck, and. bread:, white: from thence to the vent pale afh-
colour: legs and webs blue : claws black: foie of the foot
Inhabits the Antarctic circle, with many other ipecies; chiefly
found among the ice.
D e s c r i p t i o n .
JT E N G T H fixteen inches. Bill an inch and a half long,
hooked at the tip, and black: the head, neck, and upper
parts of the body, dulky brown, nearly black : on the throat a
whitilh patch : breaft, belly, and vent, white : under tail coverts
cinereous and white mixed: tail rounded at the end: legs
black brown : the fore part of the toes half way black; the out-
fide of the exterior toe the fame for the whole length : webs
P l a c e .
black : fpur behind blunt.
Inhabits Turtle and Chrifimas IJlands. In the colleftion of
Sir Jofeph Banks.
a n t a r c t i c p.
Le Petrel antarElique, ou Damier brun, B u f. O if. ix. p. 311,
Brown and white Petrel, Boug, Fiy. i. p. 42 !
Antarctic Petrel, Forji, Foy, i. p. 108.—Cook Foy, i. p. 257.
D e s c r i p t i o n . C I Z E of a large Pigeon: length fixteen inches. Bill an inch
and a half long, brown, with the tip black : irides brownilh
hazel: the general colour of the plumage on the uppei; parts is
deep brown; beneath blueifh white : the fecond quills are white,
with dark brown tips : quills dark brown, with the inner webs
of fome next the body white : rump and tail white : the tips of
all the tail feathers black for nearly an inch : legs dufky lead-
Found within the Antarctic circle, all round. Met with in
flights of twenty or more, in lat. 61. 36. S. It is obferved that
the fullnefs of plumage is more confpicuous in this fort of
birds than in others ; nature having taken care to fuit them to the
climate wherein they are to live.
Procellaria Capenfis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 213. 5.— Amcen. Acad» iv. p. 240.—»
QJb.Foy. p. 46.
Le Petrel tachete, ou le Damier, Brif, Orn. vi. p. 146. 3,-—Buf, Oif, ix,
p. 304. pi. 21.—PI, Enl. g6c\.— Pernet. Foy. ii. p. 72.
Pardela, Ulloa Foy. ii. p. 304.
White and black Ipotted Peteril, Edw. pi. go.
Pintado Bird, Damp, Foy. iii. pi. in p. 96. fig. 1.
Br. Muf, • Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of the KittiwakeGull: length fourteen inches. Bill an
inch and a half long, and black : the head, hind part of the
neck, quills, and tail, black: lides of the head mottled black
and white : all the under parts whitilh, irregularly marked with
Ipots of black : legs black.
They are apt to vary much in plumage.
Thefe birds are, we believe, confined to the fouthern hemi-
fphere, being feldom feen much to the north of 30 degrees.
Are moll; frequent about the Cafe of Good Hope *, and neighbouring
parts. Are called by our failors Cape Pigeons. They
fly many together; feldom high, but almoft fweeping the fur-
face of the water f . Sometimes appear in fuch immenfe numbers
that feven hundred have been taken in one night J. The failors
* Dampier, and others.-—Said by failors to be a fure prefage of a near approach
to that promontory.
i* Dampier. $ At Mafo Fuero.— Haewkef. Foy, i. p. 556.
V ol. III. 3 F, soften
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