
D escription*
J emals'.
D escription.
American Teal, Artt. Zool. N” 304.— Phil. Tranf. lxü. p. 419.— Bru«. N* 130.
Lev. Ma/.
* from each eye to the hind head a changeable broad green bar :
beneath the eye a faint white line: fore part of the neck and bread:
fpotted with black : over each fhoulder a lunated white bar :
back waved black and white, inclining to brown on the rump :
wing coverts brown : fpeculum green : legs dufky.
The female reddilh cinereous brown, fpotted with black: the.
wings like thofe of the male.
This is found in America, from Carolina to Hudfon's Bay :
breeds in the laft : has from five to -feven young at a time.
Found in the woods, about fmall ponds of water. Retires fouth
in autumn. Mr. Pennant feems to think this very like, if not
the fame with the Summer Teal of Willughly.
Anas Dominica». Li». Syjf. i. p. 201. 22.
La Sarcelle de St. Domingue, Brif. Or», vi. p. 472. 42. pl. 41. fig. 2..
■ ■ — roufle a longue queue» Buf. Oif. ix. p. 283.
* — —— . de la Gouadaloupe, PL Enl. 968.
Chilcanauhtli, Rail Sjn. p. 177.— Colcanauhtli, id. p. 176. (female) }
'J 'H I S is a fmall fpecies, being under twelve inches in length*
The bill is fcarce an inch and a half long; colour black:
the fore part of the head and throat are foot-colour; hind part
and neck rufous : back, fcapulars, rump, upper tail coverts, and
fides, the fame; the middle of the feathers blackifh : bread: and
belly grey brown, mixed with white : lower belly, thighs, and
under tail coverts, pale rufous, mixed with grey brown: the
wing coverts of this laft colour, mixed with white} and feme of
the greater ones wholly white : quills brown ; fix of the middle
ones white half way from the bafe, or in fome to two-thirds of
their length, forming a fpot o f the fame on the wing: tail
dulky, cuneiform, the feathers pointed at the ends; lhafts black:
legs brown.
Inhabits St. Domingo and Guadeloupe. Pcace.
La Sarcelle a queue epineufe, Buf. Oif. ix. p. z82.— PI. Enl. 967. SPINOUS-TAIL.
T E N G T H eleven or twelve inches. Bill blue: top of the DlsclI^ ‘l0>u
A-/ head black: through the eye a ftreak o f black; beneath it
afecondof the fame; between thefe white: general colour-of
the reft .of the plumage dujky brown, with a mixture of darker
brown; paler beneath; the chin paled:: wings like the reft of the
body, mixed with a fmall portion of white on the outer coverts :
tail as the wings, fhort; but each feather has the end unwebbed,
being prolonged into a fliarp point : legs yellowifh flefh-colour.
Inhabits Cayenne and Guiana. fcA *
•La Sarcelle d’Egypte, Buf. Oif. ix. p. 273. PI. Pd: 1000. AFRICAN T.
A T R I F L E larger than the Garganey, and the bill longer and Description.
bigger: length fixteen inches. The head, neck, breaft, and
belly, deep rufous -brown, but bright: on the lower part of the
•breaft a patch of -white: the reft of the plumage black above :
acrofs the wing a bar of white.