part of the neck, and fides of it for half the length, white : the-
lower part of the neck, and bread, mottled dulky and white: the
belly and under parts white : the ysrings not greatly differing
from thofe of the Smew, dufky black, with a patch of white on
the coverts, and two bars of the fame below : legs dulky.
The male and female fcarcely differ, except in fize, the laft
being fmaller.
What has been remarked of the Smew may be faid of this
fpecies, in refpeft to its migrations : feen fometimes as far fouth
as latitude 37, being met with in the ifland Tim, in the Archipelago
; palling northward in dimmer, in order to breed. Birds
of this genus are in general not fo well-flavoured as thofe of
the Buck kind; yet we have often met with thefe laft in the
London markets, and by fome are thought to be very little inferior
to the Wild Buck; which laft now and then partakes of
the fijhy haut goût, a flavour not difagreeable to the palate^ of
the connoijfeurs in good eating.
G e n u s