[ 4*8 1
E) i s c r i p t i o n .
G e n u s X C I . M E R G A N S E R .
N° 1» Goofander.
a. Dun-Diver.
V ar. A.
3. Red-breafted M.
V a r . B.
N° 4. Hooded M.
5. Smew M.
6. Minute M.
V a r . A.
BI L L (lender, a little deprefled, furnilhed at the end with
a crooked nail; edges of the mandibles very lharply fer-
Noltrils near the middle of the mandible, fmall, and fub-
Feet furnilhed with four toes, three forwards and one behind ;
the outer toe before longer than the middle one.
Mergus Merganfer, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 208. 2.— Faun. Suec. N° 135.—
N° 92.— Muller, N® 133.— Kram. El. p. 343. N° 1.— Georgi Rei/e,
p. 169.— Faun. Groenl. N° 49.—Frifcb. N° 190.
Mergus ^Ethiops, Scop, Ann. i. N° 90,
L’Harle, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 231.-1. pi. 22.— Buf. Oif. viii. p. 267. pi. 23.—-
PI. Enl. 951.
Merganfer, or Goofander, Rail Syn. p. 134. A. 1 .— Will. Orn. p. 333*
pi. 64.— Br. Zool. N° 260. pi. 92. fig. is—Aril. Zool. N° 465.
Br. Muf. Lev, Mu/.
E IG H T nearly four pounds : length twenty-eight inches:
breadth forty. The bill three inches long, narrow, toothed
on the edges of both mandibles ; the tip of the upper much
6 bent,