
4-îô M E R G A N S E R .
M a l e .
F e m a l e »
D e s c r i p t i o n .
Mergus albellus, Lin. Syft. i. p* 209. Faun. Suec. N° i$7*—~Brurt»
N° 97.— Frifeb. t. 172.— Kram. El. p. 344. 3.
Mergus albulus, &■ <?ƒ. Ann. i. N° 91*
Le petit Harle huppé, ou la Piette, Bri/ Orn. vi. p. 245. 3. pi. 24. fig. r.
— Buf. Oif. viii. p. 275. pi. 24.— PI. Enl. 449.
Mergus Rheni, Rail Syn. p. 135. 5.—•Will. Orn. p. 337*
‘ White Nun, Raii Syn. p. 135. A. ^.—WiU. Orn. p. 337. pi. 64.
Sjnew, Albin, i. pi. 89.— Br. Zool. ii. N° 262.— Arft. Zool. N° 46a.
L’Harle étoilé, Bri/. Orn. vi. p. 252. 6.— Brun. N° 98.
Weefel Coot, Albin, i. pi. 88.
Red-headed Smew, Br. Zool. ii. N° 263.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/
n r H IS , in fize, rather exceeds the Teal: length fixteen or
^feventeen inches: breadth two feet: weight thirty-four
ounces. Bill near two inches long, and black : general colour of
the plumage white : the head erefted at the back part j the under
part of the creft black : on each fide of the head an oval black
fpot, beginning at the bill, and taking in the eye : on the lower
part of the neck, on each fide, are two curved black ftreaks,
pointing forward : the inner Icapulars, back, coverts on the fide
of the wing, and greater quills, are black : tail cinereous : legs
blueilh grey.
The female is fixteen inches long : twenty-three broad : and
weighs fifteen ounces. The bill is lead-colour : head ferruginous,
and flightly erefted : cheeks, chin, and throat, white : between
the bill and eye the fame oval black fpot as in the male : back
dufky alh-colour : wings as in the male : belly white : legs pale
M E R G A N S E R .
The Smew is feen in England only in winter, at which fea- Place.
fon it will fometimes be met with at the fouthern parts of it ;
as alfo in France, in the neighbourhood of Picardy, where it
is called la Piette: fimilar to this, we have heard it called in
Kent by the name of Magpie-Diver. On the continent we find it
as far fouth as Carnioîa : frequents alfo Iceland, at which place,
or fome other artlic region, it palTes the fummer j and where it
in courfe breeds, probably along with the other Merganfers -, as it
has been obferved to migrate, in company with thole birds, feve-
ral kinds of Ducks, &c. in their courfe up the Wolga, in February
*. It alfo inhabits America, having been fent from New
York f , where it is probably a migratory fpecies, as in Europe.
Mergus minutus, Lin. SjJi. i. p. zc,g. 6.— Faun. Suec. N° 138,-—Kram. El. 6.
p. 344.4. minute.
Mergus tinus, Haffilq. It. p. 269. N° 37.
■ glacialis, Brun. N° 99.
■ ■ 1 pannonicus, Scop. Ann. i. N° 92.
Le petit Harle huppé, (femelle) Bri/ Orn. vi. p. 243. 3. pi. 24. fig. 2.
Le Harle étoilé, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 278.— Pi. Enl. 450.
Mergus glacialis, Lough Diver, Raii Syn. p. 135.— Will, Orn. p. 338.—
Br. Zool. ii. p. $6o.— Ar£l. Zool. p. 540. A.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
rp H I S is rather lefs than the Smew: length fourteen inches D escription.
and a half : breadth twenty-three. Bill black : the upper
part of the head, and fides, taking in the eyes and the hind part
of the neck, dulky ferruginous, deepeft on the head, the feathers
of which are fomewhat elongated : the chin, throat, fore
* Die. Ruff. ii. p. 145. f ArS. Zool,