62 4 B A R T ' E R,
D escription.
P lace and
M anners*
V a r . A.
Pl. CVÏ.
D escription.
Anhinga de Cayenne, PL Enl. 959.
Anhinga melanogafter, Zool. Ind. p. 22. pl. 12.
Black-bellied Anhinga, Ind. Zool. p. 13* pl* I2*
^ the bill ftraight, long, and fharp-pointed; the upper part of
a pale blue, the lower reddilh: eyes very piercing: the head,
neck, and upper part of the bread, are of a light brown: each
fide of the head, and upper part of the neck, marked with a
broad white line: crop very large: back, fcapulars, and wing
coverts, marked lengthwife, in equal portions, with ftripes of
black and white: quill feathers, belly, thighs, and tail, deep
black : tail remarkably long and flender: legs and feet of a pale
green : the four toes united by webs, after the manner of the
This is the defcription o f the Indian Zoology; which obfeuves,
that it is found in the iflands of Ceylon and Java, and fits on the
Ihrubs that hang over the water-, and, in a country where every
one’s ideas_ are filled with ferpents, often terrifies the pafien-
gers by {hooting out its long flender neck, which, in their firft
furprife, they take for the darting of fome fatal reptile.
Anhinga, Buf. Oif. 8. pi. 35.
Br. Mu/.
C I Z E of the laft: length three feet three inches and a half.
^ Bill four inches and a half; colour dufky yellow, covered at
the bafe with a lkin of the fame colour, which occupies the
fpace between the bill and eye, and furrounds the latter: noftrils
a flit placed obliquely, not far from the bafe; the upper mandible
finely ferrated: the head is fmall j and the neck long and
flender, both covered with Ihort downy feathers, of a dulky
white, or very pale brown, paleft before, and darkeft at the
lower part behind: the back, fcapulars, and wing coverts, are of
the fame colour, but deeper: the lower part of the neck, on the
fides, and the wing coverts, marked with oval fpots of white, regular,
and forming rows on the latter: the fcapulars ftreaked
longitudinally with white, giving the bird an 'elegant appearance
: acrofs the lower part of the bread a dull rufous bar; from
thence all beneath is black, of which colour are alfo the quills
and tail; the laft is eleven inches in length, a little rounded in
lhape, and the end of the feathers rufty pale brown; the two
middle feathers undulated crofs ways in a Angular manner : the
legs are clumfy, flout, and only four inches and a half in length;
the colour dirty yellowilh brown.
Anhinga noir de Cayenne, Pl. Enl. 960.
IZ E of the others : length three feet. Colour of the bill
yellow, but very pale : round the eye and throat pale dufky
white : wing coverts yellowifh white; the reft of the plumage
black, except the feathers on the beginning of the back, and
fome of the fcapulars, which are ftreaked" down the middle with
white, fomewhat like the others; and the tip of the tail dirty rufous
: legs brownifh yellow,
inhabits Cayenne,
4 L
V ar. B.
D escription*
VOL. III. Anhinga