P l a c e .
»range : head., neck, belly, and tail, fnow white : back and wings
grey: the outer edge of the firft quill feather, and the tips of
the four or five next, black : legs dulky, with only a knob inftead
of a back toe.
It varies in fometimes having behind the ear a dulky fpot.
This inhabits the cliffs about Flamborough Head, and is called
Petrel ■, the Baft Ifie; the vaft rocks near the caftle of Slains, in
the county of Aberdeen', and Priejlholm IJle. It is likewile met
with at Newfoundland. Found alio in Greenland, Spitsbergen,
Iceland, and the north of Europe-, the arctic coaft of Afia, and
Kamtfchatka *. By the Icelanders it is called Ritja.
Some authors affirm the Kittiwake to be the Farrock in a Hate
of perfedtion f ; while others maintain the contrary J. As we
do not think ourfelves fufficiently well informed to decide upon
this head, muft leave it to be afcertained by future ornitho-
• Artt, Zool. f Fabricius in Faun. Groenl.
t Linnaus fays, Varietas forte Lari trida&yli, junior primi anni. See Syfi,.
Nat, i. Addend.— Mr. Pennant treats of'them as diftinft fpeeies. Br. ZooL
G en u s