ERICA Hibbertia.
ERICA, antheris um tie is, sub-inclusis; corollis
bi-coloratis, viscosas, sub-cylindricis, curvatis,
speciosissimis; foliis senis, confertis,
CAULIS friiticosus, ercctus, pcdnlis, robustus;
famia patenlibus.
FOLIA srnn, oblusi. crassa, conferta, supra
plana, subtus sulcata.
FLORES sub-tcTm in ales, plures, in verticil] is
Bunplicibus, Pcdunculi long!, colorati; bracteis
tribus vindibus.
CALYX tetraphyllus; foliolis ovatis, crassis,
COROLLA sub-cylindracca, curvata. tennissimc
sulr.ila, mirans, visensa. saturate et la*te rubra,
sed apicem versus viridis, laciniis superne patentibus.
STAMINA octo, capillaria; ant her is rnuticis
PISTILLLM. Germen tiara-forme, sulcatum.
Stylus tililbrmis, excrtus. Stigma tctragouum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona1 Spei.
Floret a inense Julii ad Septcmbrem.
1. Calyx, lente auctus.
2. Stamina diducta, autherä unicä et stigmate
lente auctis.
3. Germen lente auctum.
4. Corolla varietutis minoris.
HEATH, with beardless tips just within the blossoms;
blossom two-coloured, viscous, nearly
cylindrical, curved, and very handsome; leaves
by sixes, and crowded.
STEM shrubby, upright, a fool high, stout;
the larger branches are spreading.
LEAVES in sixes, obtuse, thick and crowded,
smooth on their upper and furrowed on their
under surface.
FLOWERS are numerous, in single whorls, near
the summits of the branches. The foot-stalks
are long, coloured, and furnished with Ihrec
green floral leaves.
E MI*A LEVI ETUT four-leaved ; leaflets egg-shaped,
thick, and pressed to the blossom.
BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, curved, slightly
furrowed, shining and viscous, of a deep bright
red, but towards the apex green, with the upper
part o f the segments spreading.
CHIVES eight, capillary ; tips beardless, and
just within the blossom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud turhaii--haped and furrowed.
Shaft thread-shaped, and widiout the
blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape o f Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of July till September
1. The Empalement magnified.
2. The Chives detached, one lip and the summit
3. The Seed-bud magnified.
4. A Blossom of a smaller variety.