ERICA cordata.
ERICA, anthcris muticis, sub-exertis; floribus
terminal ¡bus, confortissime eapitatis, globosis;
frutcx pygma-us; foliis tcrnis, cordatis, villosis;
ramis numcrosis, confer lb.
CAULIS humilis, spithamieus; rami et ramuli
bumerosij conferti, flexuosi, patentes.
F O L I A terna, cordata, patentes, margin ¡bus
revolutis, supra villoma, subtus lanata.
FLORES terminales, in apicibus ramulorum,
coníerthsimi, capilati, erecti; pedunculi breves,
bracteis tribus.
CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum; folio]is
subulatí», viltosis, adpressis.
COROLLA globosa, glabra, albida; lariiiüs
ünibi rotundatU, patentibus.
STAMINA. Filnmenta octo, capillaria; anthers
muticte, sub-e\rrla\ nigra;,
P I S T I I . L I M. Germen tianeforme, sulcatum,
supernexillosum, ud basin ghiudulosum. Stylus
liliformis. Stigma tetragonuni.
Habitat ad Capul Borne Spei.
Floret a mense April) in Junium.
R L F E R E N T I A .
1. Folium lente auctum.
2. ídem SBBTAS lente auctum.
3. Calyx ct Corolla.
4. Stamina et Pistillum,
5. Stamen lente auctum.
HEATH, with beardless tips just without the blossom
; flowers terminal, in very crowded heads,
and globular; a dwarf shrub; leaves by threes,
heart-shaped, and hairy; branches numerous,
and crowded.
STEM low, a span high ; the large and small
brandies are numerous, crowded together, flexuose,
and spreading.
LEAVES by threes, heart-shaped, spreading,
rolled back at the edges, hairy on the upper surface,
and woolly beneath.
FLOWERS terminal, crowded very close together
jit the ends o f the branches In upright heads;
footstalks short, furnished with three floral
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved ; leaflets awlshaped,
hairy, and pressed to the blossom.
BLOSSOM globular, smooth, and white; segments
of the border round, and spreading.
CIUVES. Eight hair-like threads ; tips beardless,
just without the blossom, and black.
P O I N T A L . Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed,
hairy above, and glandular at the base. Shaft
thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native o f the Cape o f Good Hope.
Flowers from April till June.
1. A Leaf magnified.
2. The under side o f the same magnified
The Fnipalement and Blossom.
4. The Chives and Pointal
5. A Chive magnified.
6. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified
7. The Seed-bud magnified.