E R I C A incurva.
ERICA, anthcris aristatis, iub-inclusù ; stylo subexscrto;
eorollis urceolatis, odoratis, purpuréis;
foliis ternis, ineurvalis, aculeatis; caule rufescente.
CAULIS fruticosus, ramosus. Rami et rainuli
hirsuli, ercelo-patentes.
FOLIA tema, viride-farinosa, areuata, incurva,
aculcata, sub tus sulcata ; petiolis adpressis.
FLORES in ramnlis terminales, uiubellati, plerumque
terni ; peduuculi aculeati, bracteis tribus
aculeatis instructi.
CALVX. Perianthium teiraphvllum ; foliolis
ovatis. aculeatis, pallide-viridia.
COROLLA urceolata, purpurea, odorata ; oris
laciniis rotundatis, sub-ercctis.
STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria ; anthers;
arista l;p. sub-inclusa?.
PISTILLUM. Germen tiara;forme, pubescens,
ad basin glandulosum. Stylus (iliformis, subexserlis.
Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput ¡1 mi' Spei.
Floret a mense Martii in Maium.
1. Folium lente auctum.
2. Idem -i 11'' i : •
3. Calyx lente auctus.
4. Flos et Folium varíetatis minoris.
5. Staminadiducta ; antherâ unira lente ancla.
0. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto.
7, Germen lente auctum.
HEATH, with bearded tips, just within the blossom
; shaft just without; blossoms pitchershaped,
sweet-scented, and purple; leaves by
threes, turned inwards, and prickly; stem
STEM shrubby, branching. Large and small
branches are roughly haired, and between erect
and spreading.
LEAVES by threes, of a mealy green, bowed,
turned inwards, prickly, and deeply furrowed:
footstalks pressed to the branches.
FLOWERS terminate the small branches in umbels,
mostly by threes; footstalks prickly, and
furnished with three prickly floral leaves.
EVIPAI.EMENT. Cup four-leaved; leaflets eggshaped,
prickly, and of a pale green.
BLOSSOM pitcher-shaped, purple and sweetscented
; the segments of the border are roundish
and nearly upright.
CHII e.s. Eight hair-like threads; tips bearded
and just within the blossom.
POINTAL. Secd-bud turban-shaped, downy,
and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped,
and just without the blossom. Summit fourcornered.
Native of the Cape o f Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of March till May
1, A Leaf magnified,
a. The under side o f the same.
3. The Empalement magnified.
4. A Flower and Leaf of a small variety.
5. The ('lines, detached ; one t ip magnified.
6. Seed-bud and Points], rurmnit magnified
7. The Seed-bud magnified.