E R I C A ferruginea.
ERICA, antheris muticis, ¡nclusis; floribus ämpullaccis,
vcrticillatis, horizontalibus, carneis,
yiscosis; folüs sub-quaternis, confertis, pilis
luugis ferrugineis circumcessis.
CAc Lía hmnilis, frutieosus, ercctus, sub-peda-
Hs; rami et rainuli flcxuosi, filiformes, foliis
sub-tec ti.
FOLIA sub-quaterna, obtusa, pilia loitgis fcrlugiuris
eircumcessa, supra plana, subtus leviter
sulcata ; pctiolis longis, adpressis.
FLORES in ramulis terminales, simpliciterverticillati,
horizontales; pedunculi colorati, hispiduli,
bracteis tribus birsulis instruct!.
CALYX. Perianthium letrapliyllmn ; folióla
lanceolatu, pilU longis ferrugineis ad apices.
COROLLA nasi innata, ápice attenuata; ima
pars carnea, snmnia saturate purpurea, ore arctata;
laciniis aciitis, paten lib us.
STAMINA, Filamenta octo, capillaria, receptáculo
inserta; antheraí muticffi, inclusa?.
PisTii.i.i M. Germen clavalum. Stylus inclusus.
Stigma tetragonuin.
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Spei.
Floret a mense Maio in Juliiun.
1. Folium lente auctum.
9. Calyx lente auctus.
3. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherfi una
lente aurtá.
HEATH, with beardless tips within the blossom ;
flowers Mask-shaped, growing in horizontal
whorls, flesh-coloured, and clammy; leaves
mostly by fours, crowded, and beset wilh long
rusty-coloured hairs.
STEM low, shrubby, upright, and scarce a foot
high ; the large and small branches are flexuose,
thread-shaped, and nearly covered by the leaves.
LEAVES mostly by fours, bhmt-ended, and beset
with long rusty-coloured hairs, flat on the
upper surface, and slightly furrowed beneath ;
footstalks long, and pressed to the branches.
FLOWERS terminate the smaller branches in
single horizontal whorls; footstalks coloured,
slightly hispid, and furnished with three hairy
floral leaves.
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved ; leaflets lanceshaped,
with long rusty-coloured hairs at their
BLOSSOM inflated at the base, and tapering to
the point; the lower part of a flesh-colour, the
upper of a deep purple, straightened at the
mouth ; the segments arc pointed, and spreading.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the
receptacle; tips beardless, and within the blossom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud club-shaped. Shaft within.
Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May till July.
1. A Leaf magnified.
2. The Enipalcnient magnified.
3. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one
tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified
5. Seed-bud magnified