E R I C A acuminata.
ERICA, antheris muticis inclusis; co roll is subcvlindricis,
purpureis ; floribus umbcllatis, aubteruiinalibus;
foliia quatcriiis, retorlis, acuminalis,
C'AULIS frulicosus, pedal is, ramosi^-imus; rami
flexuosi, filiformes.
FOLIA quatcrua, trígona, retorta, acuminata.
Incida, supra plana, lubtuj sulcata; petiolis
longi-. adpressis.
FLORES iimbellati, sub-terminales; pcdunculi
breves, brarteis tribus suhulatis instmcli.
C A L Y X . Perianthium letraph> Uum; foliolis
subulatis, carinatis, acuminatis.
COROI.I, \ sub-cylindrica, ore arctata, pollicaria,
purpurea; laciniis ovatis, revolutis.
S T A M I N A . Filamrnta otto capillaría : antliera
mulita', inclusa.'.
P I S T I L L I M . Germen tiara?forme, Bulcatum,
superne rillottim, ad basin glanduliferuui. Stylus
filiibrmis. Stigma tetrugouum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona: Spei.
Floret a mense Julii in Octobrcm.
1. Folium.
'i. Idem lente auctum.
3. Calyx lente auctus.
4. Stamina a Pisliilo diducta; anthera una
lente aucta,
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
H E A T H , with beardless tips within the blossom ;
whieh is nearly cylindrical, and purple; flowers
g r ow in umbels, nearly terminal; leaves by
fours, rolled back, sharp-pointed, and smooth.
S T EM shrubby, a foot high, very branching,
blanches flcxuose, and thread-shaped.
LEAVES by fours. Ihree-sided, rolled back,
sharp-pointed, and sinning, flat on their upper
surface, and furrowed beneath; footstalks long,
and pressed to the branches.
F L O W E R S grow in bunches, nearly terminal;
footstalks short., and furnished With three awlshaped
floral leaves.
E M P A L E M E N T . Cup four-leaved; leaflets awlshaped,
keeled, and .sharp-pointed.
BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, narrowed at the
mouth, an inch long, and purple; the segments
o f the border arc egg-shaped, and rolled back.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads ; lips beardless,
and within the blossom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and furrowed,
villose on the upper part, and glandular
at the base. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit fourcornered.
Native o f the Cape o f Good Hope
Flowers from J u ly tilt October
I. A Leaf.
y. T h e same magnified.
3. The Empalement magnified.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one
lip magnified.
5. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit m i n i f i e d .
5. Seed-bud magnified.