ERICA Nivenia, longiflora.
C H A R A C T E R S P E C I F I C U S.
ERICA, anthoris arista tis, exertts, colucrenlibus:
floribus termina]¡bus, umbel] atis : pedunculis
longissimis: corollis longis, costatis, purpuréis:
folüs term's: caule humili.
SUFFIIUTEX pygnneus, ramosissimus: rami et
rain id ¡ patentes.
F O L I A palen tía, lerna, late-linearia, obtusa,
stihtus sulcata, marginibus revolutis pilla loogís
et gla udulis obeitis.
FLOHES ramos terminaut ia umbellis, patentes:
pedunculis luijgissimis: bracteis tribus adpressis.
CALVX tetraphyllus: foliolis august is, ápice
COROLLA unrialis, pyramidalis, cosíala, purpurea,
sub ápice inllata, ad busin al temí rila : ore
an tata, quod nigrum est: laciniis obliquis, revolutis.
STAMINA octo rapillaria: anthers aria ta ta?,
exerta?, cobarentes.
PisTiLLiM. (¡crinen tiar¡rlnrme, rinde, ad
basin neclarifenun. Stilus lïl¡fininis, exertus.
Stigma coneavuin.
Habitat ad Caput Borne Spei.
Floret a men-e Martü in .fiiuiuin.
1. Calyx lente auctus.
2. FIos.
3. Stamina et Pistill um, anthers unica lente
4. Pistillum et Germen, stigma te lente anclo,
j . Germen lente auctum.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R.
H E A T H , with bearded tips, without the blossom,
and adhering together: flowers terminal, in umbels:
footstalks very long: blossom long, ribbed,
and purple: leaves by threes : stem low.
D E S C K I P T I O N .
A DWARF shrub. Aery branching: the small
and large branches are spreading.
LEAVES spreading, grow by threes, are broadly
linear, and obtuse, furrowed beneath, with revolute
edges that are beset with long hairs and
gls nds.
F L OW EM terminate the branches in ambers,
spreading: footstalks very long. With three local
leaves pressed to thein.
EMPALEMENT four-leaved : leaflets narrow,
and glandular at the point.
BLOSSOM an inch long, of a pyramidal form,
ribbed, ami purple, swelled near the end, an J
attenuated towards the h., <• : narrowed at the
mouth, which is black; the segments arc oblique,
and rolled back.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads: tips bearded,
Without the blossom, and adhering together.
POIXTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and green,
with honey-cups at (he base. Shaft threadshaped,
and without the blossom. Summit con-
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from Match fillJune.
1. The Empalement magnified.
3. A Blossom.
3. The Chives and Pointal, one tip magnified,
4. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.