ERICA obbata, var, umbellata.
ERICA, antlicrís basi bicornibus, inrlusis; floribus
umhcllalis:. torminalihus, confettis; corollis
ventricosis; limbu máximo ; laciniis patent ¡bus,
glandulis octo fauci cirtuiu posit i s ; ibliis quaternis.
CAL LIS fruticosus, pcdalis, ramosus ¡ rami l a \ i,
FOLIA quatenia, reflexa, rígida, cíliata, acuminata,
subtus sulcata.
FLORES terminales, umbellati, confetti, peduni
ulis brevibus, bracteis tribus laneeolatis ciliatis
CALYX tctraphyllum; foliolis laneeolatis, ciliatis,
COROLLA ventricosa, nitidissime alba, basi
quadrata, ore are tata, leviter sulcata; Iimbus ma\imus,
laeiniis rotundatis patentibus; glándula?
octo fauci cirrumposita\
STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria : antherar
inclusa-, bifida1, basi bicornes.
PISTILLU.YI Germen conicum, basi glandulosum.
Stylus filiformis, subexertus Stigma te-
Ilabilat ad Caput lín Spei.
Floret a menso Maio in Augustiim
R E F E R E N T I A .
1. Folium.
2. Calyx.
3. Corolla.
4. Lacinia una Limbi aucta.
¡5 Stamina ct Pi«tillum, antheri una lente
6. Germen et Stylus, stigmate aucto.
7. Germen lente auctum,
HEATH, with tips two-horned at the base, within
the blossom ; flowers terminating the branches
in crowded umbels; blossom bellied; border large,
the segments spreading, with eight glands surrounding
the mouth ; leaves by fours.
STEM shrubby, a foot high, branching; the
branches are loose and thread-shaped.
LEAVES by fours, reflexed, harsh, fringed,
sharp-pointed, and furrowed beneath.
FLOWERS terminate the branches in umbels
crowded together, with short footstalks, having
three lance-shaped fringed floral leaves pressed
to the cup.
EMPALEMENT four-leaved; leaflets lance-shaped,
fringed, and pressed to the blossom.
BLOSSOM bellied, of a very shining white,
squared at the base, straitened at the mouth, and
slightly furrowed; border very large, the segments
roundish and spreading; eight glands surrounding
the mouth.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips within the
blossom, two-cleft, and two-horned at the base
POINT A L. Seed-vessel conical, glandular at
the base. Shaft thread-shaped, nearly without
the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape o f Good Hope.
Flowers from the mouth of May til! August
R E F E R E N C E .
1 A Leaf
2. The Empalement.
3. A Blossom
4. One segment of the Border magnified.
5. The Chives and Points1 , one- tip magnified.
6. The Seed-bud and Shaft, the summit magnified.
7. The Seed-bud magnified.